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Conifer fertilizer - title

Like all other woody plants, conifers depend on an optimal supply of nutrients. For the plants find ...

Small birds of prey - title

You can often see them majestically circling in the sky: birds of prey. But what kind is it ...

Breeding ladybugs - title

With our tips you can observe the development of the ladybug from larva to adult ladybug. Then ...

Is the trout begonia poisonous? - title

Begonia maculata, the trout begonia, is very popular because of its clearly marked leaves. But can she ...

Sow hollyhocks - title

A few seeds and a few warm weeks, in the bed or at home. Nothing more is required for young hollyhocks to grow. ...

Set granite curbs - title

Setting and grouting granite curbs is also possible with the right tools, the right material and the following instructions ...

Falcon species in Germany - title

Hawks are perfect hunters. If they have spotted a prey, they pounce on it at lightning speed. Hardly any animal ...

Planting cucumbers on the balcony - title

Planting cucumbers is also possible on the balcony without any problems, if a few points are observed during care. As ...

Setting curbs - title

Curbs are an essential element for paving paths, for bedding and other purposes on your own property. She ...

Psychoactive Plants - Title

There are many plants that can have a hallucinogenic effect on us humans, if parts of them are consumed or on ...

Pampas grass varieties - titles

Dense clumps and silky panicles of flowers in soft colors characterize the pampas grass, which comes from South America. More and more hobby gardeners ...

Propagate the elephant foot by cuttings - title

With its bulbous, thickened foot and the graceful, green tuft of leaves, the elephant foot is a specialty among the exotic ...

Substructure pool - title

A pool promises cooling and joy in hot summers. So that the joy actually lasts for a long time ...

Prick peppers - title

Paprika is tasty and healthy. The red, yellow and green fruits are rich in vitamins and trace elements. Of the ...

Planting potatoes without pre-sprouting - title

Usually, you pre-germinate new potatoes for laying. Planting is also possible without it. Especially with stored potatoes you do without ...

Pulling an apple tree out of the kernel - title

As a child, who didn’t wonder with curiosity how these tiny kernels from the inside of an apple could be ...

Prick out radishes - title

Pricking radishes is an important step in maximizing the yield of these delicious vegetables. In this article you will find 5 ...

Recognize marten noises - title

If a marten has taken root on your property, the troublemaker makes himself through clearly audible noises ...

Sowing poppies with instructions - title

The poppy is a popular ornamental plant because of its beautiful, large flowers. Its cultivation is easy and many ...

Growing climbing zucchini - title

Zucchini taste good fried, grilled, boiled or raw. They are rich in vitamins and low in calories, a real favorite vegetable! The cultivation is straightforward. ...

Where does wild garlic grow - title

Who doesn't love the garlic-like taste of fresh wild garlic, with the leaves of young plants being the spiciest ...

Planting arugula - title

Rocket is also known as rocket or mustache. The cultivation is completely uncomplicated and can be ...

Remove thatch - title

Turf thatch is not only unsightly, it also damages the lawn because it suppresses healthy grass and causes it to die. ...

Purple meadow flowers - title

The local meadows delight from spring to autumn with picturesque flowers that are held in numerous colors. In ...

Cultivating wild strawberries in the garden - title

You can grow wild strawberries yourself. The plants develop smaller fruits than the well-known garden strawberry. However, these have ...

Building a bird feeder - title

A bird feeder supports birds all year round and especially during winter with sufficient feed. Best of all: you ...

Rose loses - leaves

The rose, the queen of flowers, is the favorite of many gardeners. It has been cultivated since ancient times. ...

native birds of prey in Germany

Birds of prey often exert a special attraction on the observer. They look majestic when they are in the ...

Where does woodruff grow - title

Woodruff, also known as "Fragrant Bedstraw" or "Maikraut", is an old herb and medicinal plant. That's why collecting ...

Medicinal Herbs - Title

Medicinal herbs are usually also popular spices in the kitchen herb garden. Many of the in ...

Blue meadow flowers - title

The color of the flowers is an important criterion for identifying plants. Some indigenous blue meadow flowers and their characteristics are listed here.

Rocket tastes bitter - title

If rocket tastes bitter or a little hotter, many people can no longer enjoy it. You can ...

Planting onions - title

The right planting time and spacing are essential for sprouting bulbs and for the plants to thrive.

Recognize olive tree blossoms - title

Because of its Mediterranean and at the same time calm and sublime appearance, the olive tree has meanwhile countless terraces and winter gardens for ...

Helps butyric acid against voles - title

Voles are unpopular with hobby gardeners because they undermine and devastate gardens within a short period of time. Helps ...

Experience with Hydro Mousse - Title

The advertising promises the almost unbelievable: Bare, brown lawns can be removed in no time with the special Hydro Mousse spray lawn ...

Size and Weight of a Marten - Title

The marten family (Mustelidae) occurs almost all over the world. Most species are at dusk ...

Red beetle with black dots - title

As soon as the temperatures are a little warmer in spring or autumn, different beetles appear. Occasionally these include ...

non-toxic plants for rabbits - title

Rabbits often cannot distinguish which plants they can nibble on without consequences. Therefore, in the interests of ...

Biting spiders people - title

Many fear a spider bite. Especially at night when the eight-legged creatures go hunting ...

Ant nest in the house - title

Ants can quickly become a nuisance if they are clustered or in the home. It is particularly bad ...

black beetle with wings - title

When a black beetle with wings makes its way in the garden or house, the question arises whether ...

Planting vegetables in March and April - title

Spring begins and with it gardening. You need to prepare the soil well so that everything grows well ...

Felling tree cost - title

Felling a tree or having it felled involves a lot of effort and costs. In which ...

Growing potatoes in the pot - title

Home and garden owners can easily plant potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) in the garden themselves. Sowing is possible from April. ...

Rocket blossoms, it is edible - title

Rocket, also known as mustard or salad rocket, can be grown in the garden without any problems. In the kitchen there are mainly ...

Planting sprouted potatoes - title

The potato is a traditional crop and a versatile staple food. However, if they are not stored correctly, they can quickly form long germs. Should be eaten ...

Concrete mix to put curb - title

Curb stones are often used around the house and garden. So that the curbs will last for a long time, put them in concrete. ...

Laying WPC planks without a substructure - title

It is comparatively easy to lay WPC boards or tiles without a substructure, provided that a few special features are observed. However ...

How deep to plant potatoes - title

The Incas grew the first potatoes. It took a long time until they went into culture in this country. To get a ...

Cockroach-like beetles - titles

Cockroaches is the collective name for several storage pests and similar beetles that even target bacteria and various parasites ...

Trees with red leaves - title

If trees have red leaves, they are particularly decorative and clearly stand out from other plants. We ...

Put potatoes according to the lunar calendar - title

Those who plant potatoes according to the lunar calendar expect a lot of success from it. When is the right time for it and ...

Marten appearance - title

Marten drive many house or car owners to despair. What appearance is typical for the animals and what features ...

Drilling wells - title

In addition to using rainwater, your own well is a good way of saving drinking water and supplying your own garden. ...

Evergreen, flowering climbing plants - title

Climbing plants can make large and unsightly areas green or bloom profusely within a short period of time. In ...

Build bat box - title

The habitat of native bats is threatened. Trees are being cleared and buildings are being built more and more densely. Therefore, it is worth ...

Petrol against voles - title

Voles can cause significant damage in the garden. It therefore makes sense to scare them off. Is that suitable ...

Spider species in Germany - title

At the sight of a spider, opinions can differ. Some people are just disgusted, others ...

Dimensions of L-stones - title

When terrain is to be intercepted, the hour of the corner stones strikes. From garden design to storey-high retaining walls ...