Caring for Thuja Brabant »Watering, fertilizing, cutting... (Tree of life)

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How do you water Thuja Brabant correctly?

Thuja Brabant does not tolerate complete dryness or waterlogging. You must therefore water regularly in dry times, especially when the plants are still very young.

also read

  • The best time to plant Thuja Brabant
  • The growth of Thuja Brabant
  • The correct planting distance in the Thuja Brabant hedge

Waterlogging is harmful and Thuja Brabant will not tolerate it. It is therefore better to create a drainage before planting.

Avoid wetting the leaves when watering in the evening. The needles then no longer dry out properly and are prone to fungal infections.

What should be considered when fertilizing?

Thuja Brabant doesn't need too many nutrients. Fertilize So do it with care. Over-fertilization is just as harmful as a complete lack of nutrients.

A single fertilization in spring is usually sufficient. Organic fertilizers such as compost, manure and Horn shavings.(€ 32.93 at Amazon *)

How is Thuja Brabant cut?

Thuja Brabant is cut as a hedge at least once a year in spring. You can also cut back the tree of life to rejuvenate it.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Thuja Brabant is resistant to most diseases. Only root rot occurs with waterlogging.

Occasionally, the Leaf miner. You only need to take action if the pest occurs strongly.

Why does the Thuja Brabant turn brown?

Various causes come for this Getting tanned into consideration:

  • Too dry / too wet
  • too little light
  • sunburn
  • Frost damage
  • Fungal attack
  • Pest infestation

Why is Thuja Brabant turning yellow?

One yellow thuja Brabant indicates a lack of magnesium. It can be remedied by giving Epsom salts.

Does Thuja Brabant need winter protection?

Thuja Brabant is hardy and does not need winter protection. Light protection against frost and a mulch cover are only advisable when planting in autumn.


Thuja Brabant reacts to road salt with brown needles. Therefore, do not plant the hedge too close to roads that are used and that are sprinkled with salt in winter.