These varieties tolerate frost

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The best-known species are hardy

Most Narcissus species, which gardeners in this country get in stores and plant in their beds, are hardy. These include, for example, the well-known Daffodils (Yellow daffodil) and the poetsDaffodils (White daffodil). These daffodils retreat into their bulb and usually survive the winter unscathed.

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  • Lies and Deceptions or Truth: Are Daffodils Poisonous?
  • Why daffodils aren't always perennial
  • The daffodils have faded: what to do now

Jonquilles and angel tears daffodils are considered less hardy and sensitive. These species should only be planted in locations that are mild in winter, such as in wine-growing areas. Alternatively, you should overwinter them in cooler regions or cover the bed with a thick layer of bark mulch.

Daffodils in the pot can freeze through quickly

What many do not think about: Daffodils that are in pots on the balcony or in front of the gazebo, for example, run the risk of freezing to death and drying out in winter. If there is heavy frost and the earth is damp, the pot will freeze through. The onions freeze and can die.

It is just as dangerous when the earth is dry and permafrost. Then the onions could dry out in the pot. It is therefore advisable to overwinter daffodils in pots from October.

How should you overwinter daffodils in a pot?

You will no longer see daffodils in pots from June. Then they retreated into their onion. The onions can now be dug up and stored (protects them from drying out in summer).

That's how it's done:

  • Carefully remove the onions from the pot
  • free from earth
  • Separate the broiling onions
  • Store in a shady, cool, dry place until September
  • in autumn put the onions in the pot with soil and store in a cool place Overwinter place
  • not pour
  • put outside from February

Tips & Tricks

After overwintering, check the onions for fungal diseases, mold, rot and eating spots. Dispose of such copies!