This is how pepper cultivation succeeds

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Prepare paprika kernels to pull yourself

If you want to grow peppers yourself and germinate them, you should pay attention to the typical characteristics of the plant. Because they are not native plants, the climate in particular can be a problem for them. Bell peppers need more time, heat and light than other fruit vegetables.

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  • Prefer paprika - faster from seed to pod
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The colored supermarket peppers are not different types, but different degrees of ripeness. Therefore, make sure that the seeds for pulling and sowing yourself come from a fully ripe, red pod. Once removed from the fruit, the kernels need to be cleaned, dried and kept until spring. From March you can prepare the stored kernels for sowing.

Pull peppers yourself - everything you need to do it

as ideal location A window sill on the south side is suitable for sowing peppers or you can support the sowing during the Germination time with plant light. Besides patience you need:

  • Seeds
  • Mini greenhouse(€ 25.14 at Amazon *) or slide
  • Peat or yogurt pots
  • Seed substrate or potting soil
  • Sowing soil
  • Bamboo sticks
  • fertilizer

This is how seedlings sprout from kernels

Those who garden by the moon use the increasing moon phase until the full moon at the beginning of March. Because this time should be devoted to sowing fruit plants such as tomatoes or peppers that develop above ground. From seed to seedling in just a few steps:

  • Soak dried pepper seeds for 1 day
  • Only stick one seed per cup about 1 centimeter deep into moist soil, cover and press lightly.
  • Place the pots in the mini greenhouse or under foil on a fixed bench.
  • Important: Ventilate daily to prevent mold growth.
  • At a constant, moist, warm temperature of 25 ° degrees, the first seedlings sprout after 2 to 3 weeks.

From the seedling to many colored pods

From a height of 10 centimeters, it's time to Prick out young plants. To do this, carefully plant the peppers with the complete root ball in pots or in the bed. In addition to warmth, it now requires a little more care, lukewarm watering and fertilizer.

Growing your own is faster and more reliable than outdoors Bell peppers in the greenhouse. The plants are protected from wind and weather under glass. This will make the peppers bloom faster. Harvest the first fruits in the greenhouse is from July. Outdoor peppers in the garden or on the balcony can be harvested from August to the end of October.

Tips & Tricks

Paprika not only enriches the menu, but is also suitable as an ornamental plant for the garden or balcony thanks to its wonderful flowers.

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