By sowing or cuttings

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Sowing - step by step to the goal

Basically this applies sowing of star jasmin as difficult. But with the right background knowledge, you should be able to propagate with the help of the seeds. First of all, you should get seeds from Star jasmine procure. You can purchase these in stores or take them from an existing plant.

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Harvesting seeds from a plant

The seeds ripen in late summer and should ideally be sown immediately, as the ability to germinate later declines. They are located in the narrow pods of the climbing plant. Pick the pods and open them. The seeds in it are elongated and flat.

Sow the seeds

This is how sowing works:

  • Let the seeds soak in water for 1 to 2 days
  • Pots with Sowing soil prepare
  • Lightly press the seeds down to a maximum of 0.5 cm deep (light germination)
  • Moisten the substrate and keep it moist
  • place in a warm, bright place
  • ideal germination temperature: 20 to 22 ° C

Propagation of cuttings: easier than expected

Propagating star jasmine from cuttings is much easier. It is best to use head cuttings for this. In the course of the clearing cut after the flowering of the plant (around August) you can collect the cuttings.

The cuttings should be 10 cm long and cut from the main branches. Remove the lower leaves and put them in a pot each with Potting soil. In a warm and bright place, the cuttings should be rooted by spring, when the soil was constantly slightly moist (not wet, as these cuttings rot quickly).

Nurture and care for the young plants

In winter, the young plants should definitely be indoors (not hardy). Ambient temperatures between 5 and 10 ° C are ideal. In spring you can repot the plants and place them in a sunny spot. A climbing aid is also important, because this plant can grow up to 10 m high!


Attention: The seeds and pods as well as the other plant parts of the star jasmine are poisonous for humans and animals!