Lawn magazine: Lawn care over the course of the year from A-Z

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Lawn care

Those who can call their own garden naturally prefer to spend their free time in private green. A lush, green lawn provides the basis for a beautiful, well-tended garden. However, lawn care is often underestimated. Regardless of whether you are the "English lawn" type or rather the wild lawn type, a lawn is not a sure-fire success and needs to be looked after and cared for. This includes, of course, regular cutting, the right fertilizer and targeted ventilation of the lawn. With our tips for lawn care, your garden oasis will shine in full green again.

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table of contents

  • Lawn calendar
  • Lay out the lawn
  • sowing
  • Turf
  • Lawn design
  • mowing
  • growth
  • Fertilize
  • Water
  • Ventilation
  • Common mistakes
  • Uninvited guests
  • animals
  • Diseases

Lawn calendar

Lawn care calendar
Whether lawn liming, mulching or lawn repair: the lawn calendar time, when which maintenance step can be ideally planned

Using our lawn care calendar, you can see at any time which measures are due in the respective month. Here you will find all the important data at a glance. Download PDF

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Lay out the lawn

Distribute the seeds evenly when sowing the lawn
Here reseeding takes place with RSM landscape turf

A beautiful lawn needs to be well planned. First of all, you should be clear about what you want to use the lawn for - as a utility lawn for children to play? Exclusively for decoration as a landscape lawn or as a flower meadow? Whichever type of lawn you choose, the basis for good lawn growth is proper soil preparation. The best time for this is spring. In March-April loosen the soil. Roots, stones and weeds should be removed in the process. Enrich the soil with compost, horn shavings and sand, alternatively you can also use commercially available lawn fertilizers. The loosened soil should then rest for 2-3 weeks. After the resting phase, rake and weed again until you have an even, weed-free surface. If you have optimally prepared the ground, you can dare to lay out the lawn.

tip: Heavy ground work can be made much easier by using machines such as a tiller. Hardware stores offer these inexpensively for lending.

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Good things take time - this also applies to a beautiful lawn. Would you like to watch your garden turn into a green oasis or would you like to repair some bald spots, then you should rely on the sowing of lawn seeds. Lawn seeds are hardy, so they can be sown all year round. In spring and especially in autumn, however, the conditions are best for good growth. The soil still has enough residual heat, there are still enough hours of sunshine and sufficient moisture.

Rely on high-quality seeds (standard seed mixtures from the German Lawn Society, RSM lawn seeds for short) that match the type of lawn use. Play and sport turf mixtures are particularly resilient, while shaded turfs are suitable for areas with little sunlight. RSM mixture 7 is suitable for landscaped lawns. The lawn company monitors the quality of the lawn seeds: you can rely on a consistent result. Regular seed mixtures are made up of several types of grass: the most important turf grasses are perennial ryegrass, meadow panicle, red fescue, fescue and lager panicle.
The seeds can be distributed evenly with a spreader. You should use a phosphorus-containing starter fertilizer immediately after sowing. Then work the seeds into the area with a rake so that they have the best possible contact with the ground and can grow well. Keep the soil evenly moist for the first few weeks after sowing.

Lawn construction
Lawn growth over the course of the year

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You don't want to wait long for your new lawn and you want solid quality Golf turf level without overseeding and annoying wild grasses, then rolled turf is quick and easy Solution. Within a day your garden will shine in lush green. Whether you want to have the lawn laid by a professional or whether you want to save the money and do something yourself is up to you. What counts are the right conditions. Spring is the best time to lay turf. The grass has enough time to anchor itself in the ground and gather strength for the winter. In principle, however, you can lay turf all year round. However, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Even moisture, watering additionally for longer rain-free phases
  • No ground frost for at least 2 weeks after installation
  • Use thickly peeled turf
  • No waterlogging
  • Use starter fertilizer

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Lawn design

A beautiful lawn in the garden looks great. But the green can be designed in many ways. A rustic, natural garden is created with lawn edging stones made of wood. Concrete lawn edges appear accurate, modern and tidy.
If there is not enough space for the green lawn, other areas can also be greened. For example with grass pavers. They combine optics and functionality.

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In order for your lawn to grow well, it needs a regular cut, which means: regular lawn mowing. In spring, as soon as no more frost is expected, you can use the mower again. Before the first post-winter cut, clear the lawn of weeds, leaves and other winter debris. On the one hand, this protects the lawnmower and, on the other hand, it makes mowing easier. In the beginning, however, you should not mow the lawn too short, because it has to recover and regain strength after the winter. Orientate yourself with the cutting height 1-2 cm below the current lawn height. The same goes for young lawns. The stalks do not yet have the necessary strength and would therefore simply be torn out of the earth. After a few weeks, the lawn will have enough power and it can be mowed as usual. The optimum height of the grass depends on how the lawn is used and the weather conditions. For an optimal lawn result, you should mow the lawn once a week. An irregular mowing rhythm complicates the whole procedure. Too long stalks can clog the lawnmower's blades. In the best case, mow on an overcast, dry day and avoid the midday sun so as not to burn the edges of the stalks. If the stalks are wet, they cannot be cut cleanly and can clog the lawnmower.

Lawn mower types
Different types of lawn mowers for the maintenance of small lawns up to landscaped lawns

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Once the grass has been sown, you can hardly wait for green happiness to sprout. But the growth of lawns can put some hobby gardeners to the test. The germination time of lawn seeds depends on various factors, such as: B. Affects water, light, oxygen and temperature. So that the lawn seeds grow well, a soil temperature of at least 10 ° C is required. Only then do the seeds begin to swell, absorb nutrients and penetrate the seed coat to ultimately form roots and gill leaf. However, with the right preparation and care, you can also stimulate and accelerate the germination of the lawn.

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Good lawn care also includes the right fertilization, because lawn can only grow well if enough nutrients are available. With the right fertilizer, your lawn will shine again in a strong green, promote growth and root formation and become more robust against diseases and weather. You can find out which nutrients your soil needs with the help of a soil analysis. As a rule, fertilizers mostly consist of nitrogen, potassium and calcium. When choosing the right fertilizer, however, you do not have to resort to artificial fertilizers immediately. There are numerous organic fertilizers and home remedies that you can use to provide nutrients, including coffee grounds, plant manure, and compost, among others.

The timing and the correct dosage of fertilizer depend on the condition of your lawn. In general, the lawn should be fertilized twice a year. The first fertilization in spring supports the plants in their growth. The autumn fertilization then strengthens the lawn so that the plants can get through the winter better. Heavily used lawns, such as play and sports lawns, should even be fertilized 3 times a year. It is advisable to apply the fertilizer before a rainy day. So the nutrients can be better absorbed. Avoid fertilizing at lunchtime or when the sun is too strong. Dry soil cannot absorb the fertilizer and it burns on the plants.

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Tip: Do you dream of a golf turf? You lay the foundation with an RSM (regular seed mixture) 4.1.2 Lawn seed that is deep cut compatible, hard-wearing and densely growing.


When the weather is warm and dry in summer, the once lush green lawn quickly turns into a yellow, arid landscape. But then it is usually too late. To prevent this from happening, you should water the lawn additionally during longer dry periods as soon as you observe the first drooping leaves. Regardless of whether you use the classic watering can, use the garden hose or use lawn sprinklers and automatic irrigation systems, the right amount of water is crucial. The water should therefore seep into the ground about 15 centimeters. For this, amounts of water of approx. 10-20 liters / m² necessary.

Water the lawn

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So that the grass can absorb enough nutrients and water again and air can get to the roots, the soil must be able to breathe. By scarifying your lawn, you remove old clippings and felt-like compaction. There are special scarifiers for this purpose, the blades of which penetrate the ground without damaging the roots. The perfect time for scarifying is in spring, and you can also scarify again in autumn. When aerating, i.e. ventilating, the upper ground cover is perforated in order to loosen up the soil and supply it with oxygen. Ventilate your lawn after you have scarified.

Note: Combination devices for scarifying and aerating are available in stores.

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Common mistakes

Are you wondering why your lawn is not shining in the green you want? Your maintenance measures may have been incorrect. So that your lawn sprouts lush green again, avoid these 10 lawn care mistakes.

Mistakes in lawn care

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Uninvited guests

Mounds of earth, white spots and bare spots make the lawn look unkempt and not look inviting. Mostly animals or diseases are responsible. But animal visitors do not have to be harmful in the same way. If animals such as moles have chosen your garden as their home, it means that your garden is in balance. However, there are also uninvited visitors who can eat roots and damage plants. In the case of animals or diseases, always check the causes first and try to get the problem under control with home remedies before resorting to the chemical club. In the long run, you will damage your garden and the environment.

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Annoying for some, useful for others. Not all animal visitors to the garden want to cause harm. Some crawlers are even helpful for the green. If you discover holes or mounds in your lawn, it may be the vole or the mole. Evidence for other animals are eaten plants and roots. Think carefully about whether it is actually a pest that you need to get rid of or whether you can arrange to live with the subtenant.

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Even the most beautiful lawn can be ravaged by diseases. Most of the time, however, they can be traced back to mistakes in lawn care. Inspect your lawn closely so that any lawn diseases can be identified immediately and treated properly.

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The best gardening tips

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  • Orchids
  • Potted plants
  • Animals in the garden

This is to be done now

  • Mowing the lawn in frosty conditions
  • Mowing the lawn in autumn
  • Yellow leaves on plants
  • Brown leaves on avocado

Experience the environment

  • 11 edible native forest mushrooms
  • Recognize animal droppings in the garden
  • How do ladybugs hibernate?
  • Poisonous & edible tubular mushrooms

Get rid of pests

  • Getting rid of white maggots
  • Build your own fruit fly trap
  • Get rid of garden pests
  • Fight house pests

2017-2021 -

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