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How does the mullein grow as a plant?

Many types of mullein are biennial or perennial and form after the sowing only in the second year the inflorescences up to two meters high. The candle-shaped inflorescences are covered all around with a large number of small individual flowers, which are yellow in the wild, but sometimes also purple, pink or blue in color.

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  • Cut the mullein properly in the garden
  • The ideal care for the mullein in the garden
  • The ideal location for the mullein

Which location should you choose for the mullein?

Although the mullein is also in sheltered locations in the Penumbra can flourish, is in principle a full sun and as possible warm location to recommend. Drought due to the sun's rays is usually not a problem for the mullein, it can also survive periods of drought without artificial irrigation.

Can mullein made from seeds be preferred?

Unless you do the propagation work anyway with the uncomplicated self-sowing mullein You can also leave young plants from the seeds in a plant pot or plant box prefer. But pay attention to:

  • the use of seeds that are as fresh as possible
  • press the plants lightly in the substrate
  • the Sowing soil keep moderately moist

Which propagation methods are recommended for the mullein?

In addition to propagation via seeds, the formation of root cuttings can also be considered in the case of the mullein. This method of propagation is particularly advisable for the propagation of true young plants from hybrid varieties.

When is the mullein bloom?

The mullein blooms in most regions of Central Europe from July to August, but sometimes also into September. Since the individual flowers on the candle-shaped flower stem only gradually open, the result is a relatively long flowering time of several weeks.

At what distance should mullein be planted?

After moving on the windowsill from February onwards, the young mullein can be planted in the garden bed as soon as at least four pairs of leaves have formed. There should be a minimum distance of about 50 centimeters between the individual mullein.

Tips & Tricks

Once they have settled in the garden, mullein often choose a favorite spot in the garden by themselves and by sowing them by themselves. This can often be on a gravel path or on the edge of a stone wall.