Cymbidium orchids ∗ The 10 best care tips and water them correctly

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Origin and Distribution

The Greek word "kymbos" means something like "boat" or "boat" and refers on the boat-like, arched flower lips of around 70 different species Genus of orchids Cymbidium. Also the German name “Kahnorchidee” for this attractive, but not entirely uncomplicated one Room orchids refer to their characteristically shaped, very large and in numerous colors blooming flowers.

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  • The right soil for Cymbidium orchids
  • Propagate the cymbidium by dividing it
  • Repotting the Cymbidium - What to watch out for!

The Cymbidium orchids have their home in the forests of Asia, where they are widespread between northern India and Vietnam - some species even grow wild in Australia and Indonesia. In the trade, mainly hybrid forms are available, which remain smaller and more compact than the wild species that grow up to one meter high. Cymbidium orchids come in many shapes and colors, but they are best cultivated in winter gardens with plenty of space and light. These orchids are rather unsuitable for the windowsill due to their special requirements in terms of temperature and humidity.

Appearance and stature

The wild forms of the Cymbidium orchids can be up to a meter high and quite expansive. Some of the hybrids available in this country - these are crosses of different species - reach impressive sizes. Note that the flower stalks of the plants can still clearly exceed the specified meter measure. If you don't have that much space, you can opt for so-called mini cymbidiums, which remain significantly smaller with heights of between 15 and 25 centimeters.

Since all Cymbidium orchids are epiphytes, they only develop short rhizomes. From these the long, strong shoots sprout. In addition, there are bulbous thickenings in the lower area of ​​the plants, which are pseudobulbs. These develop from the rhizomes and are used to store water and nutrients. The bulbous, mostly egg-shaped to elliptical shaped bulbs should always be matched with a suitable Orchid soil be covered.


The strong green, narrow leaves usually grow overhanging and can be up to 100 centimeters long, depending on the species. The number of leaves also depends on the specific Cymbidium species: some of these orchids only develop a few leaves, while others develop very many.

Flowering and flowering period

Cymbidium orchids typically bloom between November and February and can produce up to 35 flowers per plant, each with a diameter of up to 13 centimeters. However, it takes some effort to get the demanding plants to bloom because they do this from summer to autumn marked differences between day and night in terms of temperature require. In her home country it is up to 30 ° C during the day, but temperatures drop to approx. 15 ° C.

At home you would have to adjust these conditions in order to be able to enjoy the two to three months of blooming. This means: temperature the location in summer and autumn as warm as possible up to 30 ° C, while it may only be around 15 ° C at night. On the other hand, during the winter flowering period, you should cultivate Cymbidium orchids in a rather cool place at 15 to 18 ° C. At the same time, the humidity should be kept high at around 60 to 80%.

Cymbidium orchids are available in a wide variety of colors. The flowers at the end of the long flower stalks can be white, yellow, orange, pink, red, purple, brown or even multicolored. For example, varieties with large, speckled flower colors are particularly pretty.


The Kahn orchid is considered non-toxic. According to the current state of knowledge, no indications of any incompatibilities are known.

Which location is suitable?

As typical forest plants protected by a canopy, Cymbidium orchids need a bright, but not directly sunny location. In particular, the blazing midday sun must be avoided at all costs, whereas the morning and / or evening sun is good for the plants. Much more important, however, is the correct room temperature: During the day, it can be really warm in summer during the night, on the other hand, cymbidiums need cool temperatures between eight and at most 15 ° C. Cool temperatures are also important during the flowering period. overwinter only a little heated room.

Between May and September, cymbidiums also feel very comfortable in the fresh air, provided they are in their location in the garden or on the balcony are protected from direct sunlight and rain.

In contrast to the large-flowered cymbidiums, the mini-forms can also be cultivated on the windowsill, as long as you keep the temperatures down to approx. lower ten ° C.


Cultivate your Cymbidium orchids either in commercially available orchid soil, such as that used for butterfly orchids (Phalaenopsis). Alternatively, you can also use your own mixture of pine or pine bark, sphagnum (do not collect it yourself!) And peat.

Also keep in mind that conventional, pre-fertilized potting soil or potting soil is not suitable for growing orchids. As epiphytes, they have little contact with the earth and would be completely overwhelmed with such a substrate. Instead it should be the optimal Orchid substrate(€ 7.98 at Amazon *) be loose and roughly crumbly so that the roots are always well ventilated.

Plant and repot

In contrast to some other orchid species, the vigorous cymbidiums require rather large but narrow planters. New shoots are constantly growing from the short rhizomes, which is why regular repotting in larger pots and fresh substrate makes sense. You should move a Cymbidium orchid about every two years, because by then its tubers will certainly grow over the edge of the pot. The best time to do this is right after flowering, even newly purchased plants should be given a larger container and fresh substrate as soon as possible.

Make sure that there is good drainage, as cymbidiums are very sensitive to waterlogging. The plant pot absolutely needs a drainage hole in the bottom of the pot, from which excess water can drain. Cover this with pottery shards to protect it from silting up (and thus preventive against clogging). The substrate can also be used for improved permeability Expanded clay,(€ 16.35 at Amazon *)Perlite(€ 39.50 at Amazon *) O. ä. be mixed up.

Watering the cymbidium

You also need a sure instinct for watering the demanding Cymbidium orchids. During the vegetation phase, the plant needs a lot of water, but must not stand permanently wet and should dry out completely between individual waterings. Once the new leaves and onion-like bulbs mature, water less. This in turn is important for the development of the flower buds.

Keep cymbidiums as humid as possible, especially in summer and in the garden or in the garden. For specimens standing on the balcony, you should grab the atomizer every day and spray them all around. On the other hand, if the ambient air is too dry, the plants will quickly become infected Spider mites infested.

Fertilize the cymbidium properly

Cymbidiums should be treated with a liquid about once a week Orchid fertilizer that you administer together with the irrigation water.

Cut the cymbidium correctly

Cymbidium orchids do not need pruning. Only remove that which has withered or withered leaves and otherwise just let the plant grow.

Propagate cymbidium

Cymbidium orchids can easily be multiplied by dividing if they are of the appropriate size. Specimens that have at least six bulbs are suitable for this. Pot these out, carefully remove the remains of the substrate and separate the desired ones Cut pieces with the help of your fingers and, if necessary, a large, sharp (and clean!) Knife from each other. Each section should have at least one shoot and three older bulbs. Then pot the pieces separately in suitable pots and in fresh substrate.

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, the beautiful cymbidiums are very susceptible to pests due to their special care requirements and the associated frequent care errors. Spider mites (the so-called “red spider”), for example, appear when the air in a room is too dry. Leaf suckers such as scale lice, woolly lice and mealybugs as well as thrips attack damaged indoor plants in advance, while In the case of a summer culture outdoors, ants, millipedes and wood lice are often found in the plants and especially in the substrate frolic. In addition, snails also like the juicy, green leaves to eat. Only careful care, adapted to the needs of the species, and regular checks can help against a possible pest plague.


Thanks to their long flower stalks and magnificent flowers, Cymbidium orchids are ideal as cut flowers. If you change the water in the vase regularly, the flowers will last for up to three weeks. If possible, do not use cold tap water as the orchids are sensitive to lime.

Species and varieties

Most dealers offer hybrid forms that are specifically bred to be kept as a houseplant. The original species, on the other hand, are mainly cultivated by knowledgeable specialists and are popular collector's items.

  • 'Clarisse Carlton': matt pink flowers with a white border and a multicolored speckled center
  • 'Elmwood': cream-colored flowers with a yellow-red center
  • 'Forgotten Fruit': flowering size variety with pink flowers and a darker center
  • 'Fort George Lewes': one of the most beautiful green flowering forms
  • 'Ice': numerous white flowers
  • 'Indian Summer': Meristem variety with dark flowers and a speckled center
  • 'Geyserland': blooming size with dark purple, almost black flowers
  • 'Minuet': yellow, brown or green flowers with a spotted center, especially small
  • 'Mud in the Eye': Meristem variety with large, dark red flowers
  • Peter Pan ‘: yellowish-green flowers with a mahogany-red mottled center
  • 'Procyon': Meristem variety with light flowers and a dark purple center
  • 'Sakura': cascade shape, numerous pink flowers
  • 'The Joker': large, multi-colored flowers with white flowers and a multi-colored center
  • 'Waikanae': large, multi-colored flowers in various shades of purple and white

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