When to plant bulbs?

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Planting time for spring bloomers

The planting time for spring bloomers like Squill, Hyacinths, crocuses, Daffodils and tulips is every fall. Although the plants do not sprout and bloom until spring. As a rule, the time from mid / late September is ideal. When that Planting the flower bulbs should actually be done depends on the weather.

  • the ground must not be frozen
  • in frost-free soil can even be planted until December
  • if the weather is very mild it is better to wait a little longer
  • the roots then do not grow optimally
  • premature budding can also occur
  • A floor temperature of permanently below 12 degrees Celsius is ideal

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Plant the bulbs as soon as the ideal conditions are met. Because long and improper storage robs them of part of their driving force.

Alternative planting date

The planting date in autumn is ideal because it gives the flower bulbs time to develop roots. If for some reason you are in the fall

Forgot to plant bulbs, nature offers you a second good opportunity to do this Gardening to catch up: spring. If you have the Plant bulbs in spring, but you should do this in March or April at the latest.

Onions sensitive to frost

The flower bulbs that bloom in summer usually do not originate in our latitudes. They come from tropical areas where frost is not part of the weather repertoire. Under no circumstances should they be planted in autumn.

The time for these types of flower bulbs will not come until mid-May, when they can no longer freeze to death outside. These include the popular ones Gladiolus, Dahlias and begonias.

Exotic bulbs can, however, grow weeks in advance in a warm and bright room. If you start in February or March, they can be in full bloom as early as May.

Bulbs in pots

Spring bloomers in pots or Window boxes(€ 7.99 at Amazon *) should bloom are also set in autumn. However, they are more sensitive to frost. Sunny winter days are also unfavorable for them as they stimulate bud far too early.

Bulbs overwintered in pots one for these reasons in the basement. Alternatively, the pots can remain outside, but must be protected with styrofoam or fleece. If you don't have the opportunity to safely overwinter the flower bulbs, you should rather wait until spring before planting them.

Flower decorations for the house

If we want to experience cheerful, colorful flowers at home in dreary winter, flower bulbs are ideal. Most species not only bring color, but also an enchanting scent.

In winter you can Spring bloomers in a glass jar with a layer of pebbles and some water. This has a decorative effect from the root to the flower.