How to do it

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The classic among the radishes is the red, round tuber. If you want to experiment, you can sow spherical, oval or cylindrical radishes in different colors. These are among the most popular varieties.

  • Cherry Belle - red tubers with a mild butter taste
  • Raxe - red tubers with a mildly spicy taste
  • Sora - pink in color with fleshy bulbs
  • Rudi - dark red tuber with a spicy taste
  • Zlata - yellow tuber with little heat

also read

  • Pickling radishes: delicious recipes
  • Radishes - A pleasure also from the freezer
  • Delicious recipes with crunchy radishes

What do you need to sow radishes?

Radishes sprout up quickly and require little care. Whether in the bed or in a plant box - radishes ripen in a few weeks. You need these 5 things if you want to sow radishes yourself.

  • Radish seeds
  • Vegetable patch or plant box
  • Earth
  • Compost or manure
  • Scarecrow or network

Sowing radishes is very easy and every child can do it

Radishes grow quickly and need no maintenance other than a little water. That is why children are given radish seeds when they want to garden. Nevertheless, one should heed the following recommendations from practice in order to always be crisp and fresh

Harvest radishes to be able to.

Do you want fresh radishes all summer?

To do this, you have to re-radish seeds every three weeks from March to September plant. But please note: Radishes can only be grown again at the same location after four years. In a light to partially shaded location, radishes grow from 5 ° degrees.

The soil should be as permeable as possible, rich in nutrients and humus. The fertilization is best done with compost, which is worked superficially into the soil. As shallow roots, radishes draw their nutrients from the upper layers of the soil.

To the sowing you scatter the seeds in seed grooves 1 centimeter deep. Then cover lightly with soil. The seeds need a distance of about 4 centimeters for healthy growth. Approximately 15 centimeters should be allowed for between the rows of seeds. Seeds that are sown too closely will produce plenty of leaves but no tubers. Therefore, thin out individual young plants to about 4 centimeters after germination.

This is what radishes need to quickly become crunchy and ripe

Besides needing enough space, air and water Radish plants nothing. The soil must always remain evenly moist. Too much moisture is just as harmful to the young plants as drought. Due to the short ripening time, you can harvest radishes within four to six weeks. The sharp bulbs must be removed from the ground in good time before they bloom. Otherwise the spicy taste will be lost and they will become hollow and woody.

Tips & Tricks

Why not combine the beautiful with the tasty? Radishes also thrive in Window boxes.(€ 7.99 at Amazon *) With the right choice of variety, such as the robust icicles, this promises visual as well as taste highlights.

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