How to do it

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Drying ginger is a cheap and easy method of preservation

If you have enough space in your freezer compartment, you can also freeze the fresh bulbs of ginger in cut and pre-portioned form. However, a large part of the natural aroma in the ginger bulbs is retained even during drying. The dried ginger slices can be easily ground with a spice grinder for use in tea preparation or as a spice.

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  • Harvest fresh ginger from your own garden
  • Drying eggplants - this is how you preserve the fruit
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Air drying

If ginger is left in the air a little longer at room temperature, it can also dry out by itself. So that it does not spoil during this process, it should be cut into slices beforehand and stored in a dry, well-ventilated room. You should also check and turn the ginger slices regularly during the weeks of drying time so that there is no mold or rot.

Dry the ginger in the oven

For drying in the oven, the ginger tuber should first be cut into thin slices so that the liquid can more easily escape from the tuber and evaporate. Even in the oven at around 40 - 50 degrees Celsius or in a special dehydrator, it can take a few hours before you can determine the desired degree of dryness by hand. As soon as no more liquid escapes when you press the panes, they are dry enough to be stored for a longer period of time.

Save ginger for new planting in spring

If you're after the Harvesting the ginger If you want to keep some of the tubers for a new planting in the next spring, you should pay attention to the correct overwintering of the tubers. To do this, rub moist soil remnants from the ginger with a dry cloth after digging it out of the ground. Then put it well ventilated in a cool and dark cellar room, where it does not dry out too much during the winter months and at the same time cannot go moldy.

Tips & Tricks

As an alternative to drying, you can also use candy to preserve ginger. To do this, cut the peeled tuber into slices and cook before adding cane sugar to the saucepan. Repeat the boil with the addition of sugar for a few days in a row to achieve the desired degree of candy.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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