This is where they feel most comfortable

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It easily beautifies bare walls or turns your fence into a decorative privacy screen. Because the hollyhock likes to sow itself increased, you are sure to enjoy the colorful for a long time blossoms even if the hollyhock itself is a biennial perennial.

also read

  • When does the hollyhock bloom?
  • Is the hollyhock hardy?
  • Is the hollyhock a perennial?

What does the hollyhock need to feel good?

The hollyhock does not tolerate two things at all, they are wetness and full shade. Therefore plants Put this mallow plant in a warm and sunny place as possible, under no circumstances on the north wall of your house. Depending on the wind, it kinks variety The hollyhock, which grows about 2 m high, easily picks up, so it should either be sheltered from the wind or supported, for example with a plant stick.

When wet, the hollyhock tends to do the dreaded Mallow rustso give it a permeable soil. If necessary, loosen it up with coarse sand or some gravel. Missing nutrients, on the other hand, can be eliminated by giving fertilizer balance.

The best location tips for the hollyhock:

  • as sunny as possible
  • no full shade
  • Well drained soil, rich in nutrients if possible
  • never wet
  • sheltered from the wind or propped up
  • like on a fence or a wall
  • not on the north side of a wall


The sunnier you plant your hollyhock, the more comfortable it will feel and the better it will be protected from diseases.