Which wood is best for the frame?

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Softwood or hardwood? These are the differences

A basic distinction is made between softwood and hardwood, the former usually being coniferous trees and the latter being usually coniferous Deciduous trees are traded - exceptions of course confirm this rule, because wood species such as linden, poplar or willow are also among the Softwoods. On the other hand, there are also comparatively hard conifers, of which the European larch is a very good example. The main difference is the density of the wood in question - the lighter it is, the lower its density and the softer it is. A type of wood belongs to the softwood group if its kiln density (i.e. H. the tightness of dried wood) is less than 0.55 grams per cubic centimeter.

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Which is why hardwoods are better suited for raised beds

Soft types of wood are mainly used for interiors as well as for the construction of furniture and instruments. With a few exceptions, they are not suitable for the

Raised bed construction. Softwood is cheap and easy to process, but also not very durable and rots quickly under unfavorable conditions. Because raised beds are constantly great humidity exposed, a frame made of soft wood decomposes within a very short time. However, you will enjoy a model that you make from hardwood for much longer. These types of wood are much more robust and durable, albeit more expensive. However, the purchase price pays for itself quickly due to the longer shelf life.

The best types of wood for raised beds

The best types of wood for a stable and robust raised bed are primarily these:


Siberian larch, which is significantly more robust and durable compared to its European relatives, is mainly sold in the trade.

Douglas fir

Douglas fir also belongs to the comparatively hard coniferous woods (even if it is usually counted among the soft types of wood), is robust and easy to work with. Direct contact with the ground should be avoided at all costs, which is why the use of foils is essential.

Black locust

This is a deciduous tree that is even harder and more robust than our European oak. Excellent for the outside area and therefore suitable for the construction of raised beds!


The white oak in particular is comparatively resistant to liquids and is therefore used for the construction of liquid containers. It is also very suitable for building raised beds, but it is quite expensive.


You can improve the durability of the wood you are using by putting it inside line with foil and outside with a non-toxic Apply protective glaze.

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