When and how is it done?

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Reasons for cutting

There are several reasons why a pruning juniper can be useful:

  • promotes new growth
  • denser, more compact growth
  • Removal of diseased parts
  • for shaping (e.g. B. Bonsai design)
  • for obtaining cuttings for Multiply

also read

  • Creeping juniper care: cutting, fertilizing, watering and Co.
  • The creeping juniper as a bonsai: design and care
  • Propagating the creeping juniper: the best methods

When: whenever there is no frost

You can cut the creeping juniper whenever you want, provided there is no frost. However, it is advisable to cut it in spring before new shoots sprout or in autumn between August and October. While cutting, the sun should not shine and rain should not be pouring down.

How to properly cut a creeping juniper

When cutting, keep these aspects in mind:

  • green branches can be cut
  • cut at the forks of branches
  • do not cut into old wood
  • it is better to remove old shoots completely
  • Cut the shoot tips for a denser growth
  • clear every 2 years
  • remove dead wood from the inside of the plant before cutting (better view)
  • from diseases like Pear grid cut away infected parts (do not throw on the compost!)

Topiary is tolerated unconditionally

The creeping juniper can easily withstand regular shape cutting, for example for the purpose of growing a bonsai. It is highly recommended and popular for designing bonsai. Its growth rate is extremely slow at 3 to 7 cm per year. That way he won't get out of shape anytime soon.

Wear protection - prick the needles

A creeping juniper should not be cut carelessly. The numerous needles, which sit close together, prickle and can cause unpleasant skin injuries. Sensitive people can even experience allergic reactions due to the toxins they contain. It is therefore better to wear gloves and long clothes when cutting!


The branches covered with berries can be cut off and used as a decoration in a vase or as part of a flower arrangement. The berries are edible and, in addition to seasoning game dishes, are also suitable for making tea.

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