Wild strawberries on the balcony »Tips on varieties and care

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Great Wild strawberries for vertical cultivation

Short stature Wild strawberries thrive even in traffic lights and in Flower boxwhich the vast majority of powerful cultivated strawberries are unsuitable for. The following varieties transform balconies and terraces into a strawberry paradise all summer long:

  • Forest fairy: countless sugar-sweet fruits, comparatively large and dark red
  • Black Hubertus: red, shiny fruits of wonderful ornamental value
  • Steve's Plodgey: very decorative with variegated leaves and light red wild strawberries
  • Pink pearl: aromatic pink-red fruits, ideal for Boiling down
  • Golden Alexandria: a majestic variety with golden yellow foliage and unusually large strawberries
  • Forest queen: heavenly with white flowers and red fruits

also read

  • In which location do wild strawberries thrive?
  • How to care for wild strawberries
  • Planting Wild Strawberries - Here's How To Do It Right

For big Pots and Window boxes(€ 7.99 at Amazon *) the variety Annelie, an ingenious cross between wild strawberry and garden strawberry, is suitable. It combines the advantages of both plants in the form of medium-sized fruits and an everbearing habit. Annelie is made so stable that it has a lifespan of up to 8 years.

Care tips for wild strawberries on the balcony

To make your snack garden on the balcony with wild strawberries a complete success, we have put together some useful tips for care:

  • keep the plants evenly moist, whereby the substrate should dry out
  • from the beginning of flowering mulch with straw or Expanded clay,(€ 16.36 at Amazon *) so that the fruits stay clean and healthy
  • organic fertilize before flowering and after harvest
  • the first blossoms are maxed out by the end of May in order to increase fruit volume and harvest yield
  • only harvest wild strawberries that are completely colored

After harvesting, cut the plants back down to the heart bud. In the planter, wild strawberries are at risk from frost because the root ball could freeze through. So wrap the tub and box with bubble wrap or jute and cover the substrate with straw or wood wool.

Tips & Tricks

A lack of space on the balcony shouldn't prevent you from enjoying a refreshing strawberry. The robust wild strawberries thrive in every imaginable place, even in the plant sack. You can hang it on the wall, on the railing or on the fence. As long as the Location If the substrate is partially shaded to sunny and the substrate is nutritious, the cultivation succeeds without any problems.