What are the causes?

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Natural process

The fact that every now and then a leaf dries up from the tip and falls off is a natural process that is responsible for the characteristic appearance of the plant. The lost leaves leave a small scar at the base and over time form a kind of trunk with the typical tuft of leaves.

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In this case, only cut off the fan when it is completely dry, because it serves as an important nutrient store for the palm.

Care mistake

Will the plant:

  • Too much or too little poured
  • has nutritional deficiency
  • or pests settle on it

it acknowledges this lack of care with drying and falling leaves.

Lack of water

This occurs not only due to insufficient watering, but also when you mean it too well by the palm. In the first case, the plant dies of thirst, in the second, root rot is often the cause. The damaged lifelines can no longer absorb enough fluid and the palm dries up.

Pour palm trees whenever the top centimeters of the earth feel dry. Excess water is thrown away after a few minutes. If the plant was too wet for a longer period of time, you should first repot it and then water it more sparingly.

Nutritional deficiency

Palms that thrive in pots have far less substrate available than plants that are outdoors. This quickly depletes the nutrient supply. If there is insufficient fertilization, the palm takes care of it and sheds the fronds.

Fertilize in the growing season regularly during the summer months. Palms are quite frugal; the plant usually suffices with a commercially available one every 14 days Palm fertilizer to supply.


Palms are unfortunately becoming common of lice or Spider mites infested. The insect pests feed on the sap, the leaf is no longer adequately supplied, dries up and is thrown off.

Examine the plant thoroughly. If you find any pests, isolate the palm and treat it with an appropriate insecticide.


If the fronds are bent, for example by the wind, they also die and fall off. You should therefore give the palm a protected location where it can develop freely.