How to preserve it as a condiment

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How to dry rocket gently

When drying rocket and other herbs, it is of course always about preserving the valuable ingredients as much as possible. Rocket is rich in vitamins A, C, E and K as well as B vitamins, some minerals (such as iron, zinc, potassium, calcium and phosphorus) and antioxidants. So it would be a real shame to thoughtlessly give these fabrics away. For this reason, it is advisable to air dry arugula only, not in the oven, as is conceivable with other herbs and vegetables.

also read

  • Harvesting rocket: not too late and with the right technique
  • Store rocket properly for longer freshness
  • Wash rocket: This is how the rocket salad gets really clean

Here is our step-by-step guide to air-drying arugula:

  1. Wash the arugula thoroughly with warm water.
  2. Carefully dry the herbs - it is up to you whether you dab them with kitchen paper or shake them in a sieve.
  3. Tie the arugula branches together in a bundle with a piece of string.
  4. Hang the bundle upside down in a dry and warm place to dry.
  5. Wait seven to ten days.
  6. Carefully remove the bundle and check that the leaves are actually dry. If they rustle a lot to the touch, you are dealing with dry rocket.
  7. Pluck the leaves from the stems.
  8. Chop the arugula or rub it through a sieve instead. The second is often the faster method.

Note: When dried, rocket does not taste as intense as when fresh. But salads, pasta and various potato dishes can be refined with dried rocket.

Store dried arugula properly

Fill your dried rocket into an airtight jar. A screw-top jar or a simple jam jar can be considered - provided it is absolutely clean and dry.


Ideally, you should use a darker glass to improve protection from light and to be able to leave the vessel outside of the cupboards or pantry.

The garden journal freshness-ABC

How can fruit & vegetables be stored correctly so that they stay fresh as long as possible?

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