This is how it works indoors or outdoors

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The right cucumber for every taste

Generally high-yielding varieties are the F1 hyprids with a long harvest period. Some are also bitter-free and powdery mildew resistant. For example, you can choose between the following types of cucumber and pickled cucumbers:

  • Rimoni F1 - cucumber - bitter-free, edible peel.
  • Delicacy - mini cucumber for salads or pickles.
  • Klostergurke (Monastyrski) - Salad cucumber, robust, storable for a long time.
  • Sikkim cucumber - cucumber, Indian variety, very aromatic.

also read

  • Peel the cucumber properly
  • Grow cucumbers yourself in the garden and harvest abundantly
  • Store cucumbers correctly - where the green vegetables feel good

To get resistant, more robust plants, you can refine cucumbers yourself or purchase grafted cucumber plants.

Cucumber cultivation in the greenhouse and in the field

In mid-May, cucumber plants can be planted outside at a distance of 60 centimeters. Anyone who fulfills their desire for warmth, sun and wind protection on site and takes good care of them will be rewarded with a plentiful harvest. In order to make the growth of cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the field sensible, a climbing aid is the best solution! In greenhouse plants, max out the side shoots.

Cucumber growing on the balcony

You can grow cucumbers on the balcony in a bucket or pot of at least 20 liters. The planter with substrate or Potting soil fill, plant cucumbers, on one Fasten trellis and place in a sheltered, sunny location.

Finally harvest time

Only then, under favorable conditions, the flowering time is already two weeks later for the first cucumber harvest. The full aroma is in the fruits early in the morning and is therefore the best time to harvest. Overripe cucumbers turn yellow and should be harvested immediately so as not to unnecessarily weaken the plant.

Good and less good friends

The worst enemies of the cucumber are snails and the cucumber mildew Mushroom. Infested parts of the plant must be disposed of immediately.

Whether in the greenhouse or in the open air - good friends are beans, garlic, kohlrabi, spinach and dill. Less good ones: peas, cabbage, beetroot, and celery.

Tips & Tricks

Pickled cucumbers as pickled or pickled cucumbers can be kept all year round. Fresh cucumbers can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. The Sikkim cucumber has the longest shelf life. Do not store next to fruits containing ethylene such as apples.