Kolkwitzia »Poisonous or harmless (mother-of-pearl bush)

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Dangers in the plant kingdom

Many plants that are cultivated in gardens in this country are poisonous, which is now widely known. Some even so much that they can cost us our lives. However, you cannot tell from any plant that poisonous substances are dormant in their leaf veins. On the contrary! Many particularly poisonous plants are also particularly beautiful. That is why every owner must obtain specific information about possible dangers beforehand.

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With the Kolkwitzia, which with its numerous pink flowers serves exclusively as an ornament, there is a must adult humans don't worry too much, because they are unlikely to put their leaves or flowers in their mouths to get away with them to taste. But small children and animals are not immune from this act.

Contact for care

The mother-of-pearl bush is undemanding, but needs something every now and then care. The plant must be touched for the following work:

  • Cut back
  • Transplanting respectively. Repot
  • Multiply

Can be uncomfortable Rashes be the result?

No evidence of toxicity

The Kolkwitzia is known to be non-toxic in the garden world. Years of experience with her confirm this statement. So we can relax and enjoy the bush and watch how Bees suckle the nectar of Kolkwitze. Even with care, no great precautions are necessary.


Even if the mother-of-pearl bush is harmless, you should not do without wearing gloves when cutting so as not to injure yourself on the branches.

A look at the poison lists

Finally, a look at the list of poisonous plants should ensure certainty, and ideally confirm the gardener's experience. And in fact the Kolkwitzie is not mentioned on it. Thus, according to the current status, everyone is allowed to Kolkwitzie varieties are considered non-toxic.