Watering, fertilizing, cutting and more

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Do forsythias need to be poured?

Watering is only necessary when the leaves are drooping. The soil must never dry out completely, but also not be too damp. You need to water potted plants more often.

also read

  • When is the best time to cut forsythia?
  • Forsythia do not need a special location
  • Planting forsythia correctly - this is how it's done!

Do goldilocks need regular fertilizers?

Forsythia come without them at all fertilizer the end. If you put some ripe compost in the planting hole before planting, that's enough.

With forsythia in the bucket, occasional fertilizers do no harm. It is even better to repot the plant in spring.

When are forsythias cut?

  • Maintenance pruning after flowering
  • Rejuvenation cut in winter / spring
  • Care cut if necessary

Forsythia need to be pruned at least every three years. In doing so, cut down all the old shoots and thin out the shrub.

A Autumn cut is not advisable as you are removing too many flower-bearing branches.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Forsythia are almost resistant to

Diseasesif the location is right. Fungal diseases occur in wet soils. The twigs dry out and the flowers do not unfold. The roots also rot in waterlogging.

The only pest that occurs on forsythia is bed bugs. They suck out the leaves that are still rolled up and leave ugly holes. Not much can be done about it. But this hardly harms the plant.

Does the forsythia need winter protection?

Forsythia are absolutely hardy. They also survive the deepest sub-zero temperatures. Winter protection is only necessary if the Forsythia Not in Planted in spring became, but only in the fall.

When caring for it in the bucket, you should place the pot on styrofoam or other insulating material and protect it from frost with foil to be on the safe side.

If it is during the Heyday If there is another sharp drop in temperature, the flowers will freeze to death. Unfortunately, this cannot be prevented.

Tips & Tricks

The forsythia is a hybrid. Its flowers contain neither pollen nor nectar, so the spring bloomers for Bees and other insects are uninteresting. Forsythia are therefore not planted in near-natural gardens.