The calla as a houseplant

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The right location for the room calla

A room calla needs a lot of light, but cannot withstand direct sunlight. So she needs some sun protection in the flower window over midday.

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It is even better if you place the plant in a tub or pot on the terrace over the summer. Make sure, however, that it does not get too much blazing sun and that it is a little sheltered from the wind.

Room calligraphy in the flower window is often used by Spider mites and aphids afflicted. Watch the houseplants carefully so that you can take countermeasures in a timely manner.

Flowering plant with a claim

  • Keep moist during flowering
  • Spray with water once a week
  • Regularly fertilize
  • Cut off what has faded and dried up
  • Let it dry out after the flowering period
  • Winter in a pot or as a flower bulb

At the Pouring the room calla you need some tact. Especially during the Heyday the earth must never dry out. Regular fertilizers provide the plant with enough nutrients. But it shouldn't be too much fertilizer.

During the rest period after the flowering period, the calla must no longer be watered or fertilized. It is then placed in a cooler place and used again in January to warmer temperatures and humidity.

Zimmerkalla is very sensitive to germs and bacteria in the potting soil. You should therefore keep the house plants completely fresh every spring Potting soilrepot.

During the break, the indoor plants gather new strength

In their homeland in South Africa, the calla grows on one Locationwhich is very humid during flowering but very dry during rest.

In order for the room calla to thrive properly, it is important to replicate this alternation.

The flowering period must be followed by a break of at least ten weeks, or even better two months, during which the indoor plants can gather new strength.

Tips & Tricks

Callas not only cut a good figure as indoor plants. In the flowerbed, too, the eye-catching bracts that create the Cobs enclose, for colored accents in the garden. In winter, however, the tubers have to be overwintered indoors.