From sticking to harvest

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When and how do you plant onion sets?

In the classic summer cultivation, the onion sets are planted at the end of March-beginning of April. However, there may be regional deviations here. Also in autumn will be Onions planted. These are winter onion sets that are planted between August and October, depending on the variety.

also read

  • The best time to plant onion sets depends on the variety
  • Everything about harvesting onion sets
  • Setting onions shortens the waiting time until harvest

The onions are in Rows set. The distance between the individual plants is about 5-10 cm, the row spacing about 25-35 cm. The onion sets come into the soil with the germination point upwards, but they must not disappear completely into the soil. The tip remains visible on the surface.

What requirements do onions have in terms of location and soil?

Although the onions are considered to be undemanding, there are a few essential points that should not be ignored. For example, it is important that there is no fresh organic one

fertilizer is worked into the ground immediately before plugging. A well-fertilized, looser one Garden soil in full sun and not sheltered from the wind is ideal. Overall, the onion beds should be fertilized sparingly, but should be well watered in the hot summer months.

How do you properly care for the onion sets?

Caring for the onion set does not require a lot of effort. Rather, the usual care instructions in the kitchen garden are to be observed:

  • Water well in the growing season, but in good time before harvest stop to harvest dry onions.
  • Remove weeds regularly, which is especially important at the beginning so that the small bulbous plants are not prevented from growing.
  • Rather moderate if the soil is sufficiently rich in nutrients fertilize, Possibly. with wood ash, not too much nitrogen.

When are the onions harvested?

The onions set in autumn of the previous year can be harvested as early as the end of May or from June to July at the latest. The first summer onions are ripe in July. The main harvest takes place in September-October. You can recognize the onions ready for harvest by the dying herb, which turns yellow, dries up and kinks. Then the finished onions can be dug up, dried and stored.

Tips & Tricks

Leave the dried herbs on the harvested onions. In this way, the bulbs can be stored in bunches in a place protected from moisture and frost.

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