That's the best way to do it

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That is why picking them occasionally harms the royal herb

Due to the intense aroma, the family kitchen usually only needs a small amount of basil. As a result, there is a great temptation to just pluck individual leaflets. Those who do not know what they are doing are acting out of a misunderstood frugality. If a branch is robbed of its leaves by gradually picking its leaves, this heralds its immediate death.

also read

  • Cut basil properly - harvest and care for it
  • Basil thrives like a king in pots - this is how you plant it correctly
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In addition, timid plucking of the foliage does not prevent flowering. if Basil flowers, the wonderful aroma is gone within a short time and turns into a bitter taste. At the same time, the royal herb invests all its strength in the growth of flowers and Seedsso that the herb plant is doomed to die.

If you want to harvest basil properly, you also do substantial care work for a long service life. Since the plant is already 8 weeks after the

sowing striving for the first bloom, an alternative harvesting technique to the individual picking is required.

The right way to harvest basil - puff instead of spill

Sporadic plucking of leaves should be the exception. A more courageous approach is much better conducive to the wonderful herbal plant. How to do it right:

  • Always cut off whole shoot tips over a length of 5-7 centimeters
  • do not pick, but cut with a sharp knife
  • start the cut just above a pair of leaves so that further branches sprout here
  • leave at least one pair of eyes on the plant from complete branches

As long as a minimal amount of one or two leaf nodes remains from a shoot, basil will diligently sprout from it. Cutting off the shoot tips also promotes compact, bushy growth and prevents flowering. Of course, there is no drama if you pick a single leaf as a small herbal snack as you pass by. In this case, preferably choose an older, dark green leaf with the highest aroma content.

Choosing the perfect time

Hobby gardeners know the importance of the best time of day if they want to harvest basil properly. During the early hours of the morning the herbal aroma is at its highest level. This is especially true if the royal herb is just now poured became.

Harvest the flowers properly as a feast for the eyes and a feast for the palate

The basil blossom knows how to present itself so decoratively that it can be used in the bed and on the balcony is quite welcome. Depending on variety a bright white, pale pink or purple flower pile develops. If you pick the flower stalks, they are ideal for the vase or as a natural bouquet.

As if that weren't enough, the flowers are edible. The enchanting lip flowers inspire the chef de cuisine to create seductive decorations on salads, soups and other dishes. Due to the slightly bitter taste, they are used in culinary terms in the form of basil blossom vinegar.

Store the harvest surplus wisely - that's how it works

Those who follow the recommendation to regularly harvest basil will benefit from the long shelf life of the popular herb plant throughout the summer. This goes hand in hand with the question of how the excess harvest can be used. Rich royal herb is far too valuable to be disposed of in the compost. These options for storage are available:

  • dry in the air, in the oven or in the dehydrator
  • fresh basil freeze as whole leaves or finely pureed with olive oil
  • harvest whole shoots, pluck the leaflets and insert in salt, vinegar or olive oil

It is important to note that the leaves are thoroughly cleaned under running water after picking. Then pat dry with a kitchen towel before starting the next steps. If you freeze or soak the royal herb, cut off the leaf stalks beforehand.

Harvest basil seeds properly

Foresighted hobby gardeners allow their royal herb to flower sooner or later. If the flowering herb plant adorned the bed, the balcony or the window sill, it is still a long way from having used up its botanical powder. Lush seed pods develop under the wilting flowers. These provide ample material for propagation through sowing. So to win The seeds:

  • pluck the withered flower stalks and pluck withered leaves
  • Remove the dry flowers from the stems over a plate
  • Sieve the mixture of seeds and flower remains several times

The small black seeds remain. Stored in a cool place in a sealable container, they will be sown next spring.

Tips & Tricks

Does your mood lift when you smell the smell of fresh basil? Then you benefit from the high content of linalool, the good mood substance from nature. The colorless substance is contained in many essential oils and is now also used by the cosmetics industry to create mood-enhancing fragrances.