Local and beautiful species

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These terrestrial orchids are native to Germany

Among more than 900 genera and almost 30,000 species, the following orchids have proven to be so robust and hardy that they are native to Germany and exclusively in earth thrive:

  • Orchis rupentris: A species within the terrestrial orchid, with purple flowers and white tips
  • Dactylorhiza incarnata: The flesh-colored orchid inspires with 10-12 cm large inflorescences from May to June
  • Epipactis atrorubens: The brown-red stendrums bloom in aubergine and give off a scent of vanilla
  • Epipogium aphyllum: The leafless rebeard dispenses with a leaf dress and blooms in a subtle creamy white

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This selection may serve as motivation to immerse yourself in the multi-faceted world of indigenous terrestrial orchids. With every specimen of the endangered orchids in your garden, you are also making an important contribution to the conservation of the species.

These orchids from far away countries have a soft spot for garden soil

The following exotic beauties do not produce aerial roots and are also quite frost-resistant, so that they have made a name for themselves as earth orchids for the garden and the windowsill:

  • Bletilla striata: This Japanese orchid delights in the garden with flowers that resemble the wonderful Cattleya recall
  • Pleione formosana: The Tibetan orchid is easy to care for and with a height of 15 cm ideal for the small garden
  • Dactylorhiza: The orchids native to the Mediterranean region thrive excellently in the summer flowerbed

An abundance of other orchids prefer a life in soil. These include the graceful species of the genus Spiranthes, also known as twisted root. The attractive species of the Ragwort genus also take on the beauty of the tropical epiphytic orchids. Outstanding terrestrial orchid species are the Ophrys scolopax, Schnepfen-Ragwurz, as well as the distinctive Ophrys tenthredinifera, aptly referred to as Wasp-Ragwurz.


The royal lady's slipper (Cypripedium reginae) is a floral treasure for cultivation in the bed. This noble species thrives on the windowsill and in the Outdoors equally opulent. The lady's slipper species Cypripedium acaule, calceolus and parviflorum are similarly flexible. The yellow lady's slipper (Cypripedium calceolus) can even be found wild in the wild and is subject to nature conservation.

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