Plant the slope with ground cover

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The advantages of ground cover on slopes

Ground covers form thick carpets, often with numerous small flowers. These are particularly attractive on slopes and also have a positive effect on the soil:

  • Ground covers prevent erosion because they create a dense root nest that holds the earth in place.
  • Ground covers keep the moisture in the soil because their leaves prevent evaporation. So less has to be poured.
  • Ground cover leaves weeds no chance, as they rob them of the light.

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  • Plant the pergola
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  • Perennial bed in partial shade

The most beautiful ground cover for planting on slopes

When choosing the ground cover for the Slope reinforcement In addition to the color selection, winter hardiness and the location are important for a beautiful look. Shade-loving ground cover should never be planted on a south-facing slope and sun-loving ground cover wither on a north-facing slope. If you want to have the slope greened in winter too, you should opt for evergreen ground cover. Below is an overview of the most beautiful ground covers with the necessary information:

Surname Flower color Heyday Location Hardy Wintergreen
Ground cover rose pink June to September Sun to partial shade Yes no
Dickman (Japanese Ysander) Inconspicuous, white April to May Penumbra until shadow Yes Yes
ivy Nondescript It only blooms in autumn after ten years Partial shade to shade Yes Yes
Elven flower Red, pink, white, filigree April to May Partial shade to shade Yes No, it turns bright in autumn
Lady's mantle yellow May to June Sun to partial shade Yes no
Gold basket yellow May to August Sun to light penumbra Yes Yes
Little evergreen violet May to September Sun to shade Yes no
Crawler Leaves with a white margin Sun to shade Yes Yes
Knotweed Red to pink July to September Sun to partial shade Yes No, it turns bright in autumn
Summer spear
Chickweed White April to June Penumbra Yes Yes
Star moss White May to July Sun to partial shade Yes Yes
Cranesbill Pink, white May to September, depending on the variety Sun to partial shade Yes no
Loquat White, red berries May to June Sun to shade Yes Yes
Carpet sedum Pink, red, etc., red foliage July to August Sun Yes Yes
Waldsteinie (runners) yellow April to June Partial shade to shade Yes no
Wool thyme pink June to July Sun Yes no

Secure the slope

The ground cover needs some time to spread and thus offer comprehensive protection. Hence, it makes sense to do the ground cover before planting Embankment protection fabric relocate. This fabric consists of rotting materials such as coconut fiber or jute and stabilizes the earth until the ground cover can take over this work. Then they rot and also serve as fertilizer for the plants on the slope.

Combine ground cover

Ground cover can be combined well with higher-growing plants such as perennials, but also shrubs or small trees. Deep-rooted trees and plants are particularly useful. here you will find a list of the most beautiful deep-rooted shrubs for hillside planting.

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