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As the name suggests, Chinese cabbage comes from China. Only in the 20th It came to Europe in the 19th century and is now grown in Europe mainly in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain.

also read

  • When is Pak Choi season?
  • The "cabbage family": types and varieties - tasty and healthy
  • Growing pak choi in the garden

The Chinese cabbage in the profile

  • Genus: Cabbage (Brassica)
  • Family: Cruciferous (Brassicales)
  • Botanical name: Brassica rapa subsp. Pekinensis
  • Common names: Japanese cabbage, Peking cabbage, celery, leaf cabbage, salad
  • Origin: China
  • Breeding: Cross between Pak Choi and turnip
  • Growth form: firm body, which tapers cylindrically
  • Leaves: fleshy, crisp, yellow-green with curled leaf edges
  • blossom: Lemon yellow flowers the size of a thumbnail, mostly with four petals
  • Season: Available all year round as vegetables in stores, in the garden in late summer / autumn
  • Location: sunny and warm, humus-rich, loose, nutrient-rich soil
  • sowing: Usually from mid-July
  • harvest: two to three months after the sowing, usually from September
  • storage: Can be kept in the refrigerator for up to ten days
  • Use: as a useful plant, boiled, cooked, fried, raw or fermented

Two types of Chinese cabbage in China

In China, two types of Chinese cabbage are distinguished: Baak Choi (white vegetables) and Lung Nga Paak (tooth of the white dragon), which is similar to celery. The variety available from us and grown in Europe comes from Nga Paak. As with most vegetables, there are numerous cultivars of Chinese cabbage that vary slightly in shape and taste:

  • Autumn Fun F 1: dark green outer leaves
  • Grenn Rocket F 1: not very susceptible to pests
  • Osiris F 1: less susceptible to pests, dark green leaves, can be stored for a long time
  • Parkin F 1: less susceptible to pests and diseases, very productive
  • Richi F 1: is sown early, cannot be stored

Chinese cabbage: delicious and healthy

Compared to other types of cabbage, Chinese cabbage is milder and easier to digest. It's also packed with nutrients, including:

  • Calcium: 29mg
  • Iron: 0.74mg
  • Magnesium: 8mg
  • Phosphorus: 19mg
  • Potassium: 87mg
  • Sodium: 11mg
  • Vitamin C: 3.2mg
  • Vitamin A: 263IU

per 100 grams of cooked Chinese cabbage. Furthermore, Chinese cabbage is said to help prevent cancer, it promotes digestion and strengthens the immune system. Unlike other types of cabbage, it does not cause gas.