The germination time of French beans

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Optimal conditions for French beans to germinate

French beans are very sensitive to cold and should never be sown outdoors before May. To germinate you need:

  • at least 8 ° C floor temperature
  • at least 12 ° C air temperature
  • loose, moist soil
  • Sun
  • as little wind as possible

also read

  • Prefer beans in cold frames and in the greenhouse
  • Plant red beans in your own garden
  • Planting white beans in the garden

The French beans germinate at a soil temperature of only 8 ° C, but it can take up to 30 days before you see the first little plants.
The warmer it is, the faster the French beans will germinate. A floor temperature of 20 ° C is ideal. In this case, a germination time of only 10 days, possibly even less, would be expected. The warmer the ground at the sowing, the bigger the harvest will be, which is why it is advisable not to sow French beans until June or July. In addition, the plants are more resistant to pest infestation.
If you don't fully trust the climate and want to be on the safe side, you can prefer your French beans at home.

Prefer French beans

They can be preferred in several ways:

  • on the windowsill
  • in the greenhouse
  • in the cold frame

To prefer French beans at home, sow the beans in Growing trays or place the seeds on damp cotton in an elongated, flat container. Then stretch plastic wrap over the beans. Make sure that the substrate or the cotton never dry out.


Bush beans thrive on the raised bed, as the soil temperature is higher here. Find out how to grow your French beans in a raised bed here.