This is the best way to proceed

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Like all cypresses, columnar cypresses like the sun, although a location in full sun is not always an advantage. In particular, if the soil tends to dry out quickly, it is better to place the wood in a partially shaded location. It is also important that the tree has a place protected from wind and frost.

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  • Column cypress - Wide variety of species and varieties
  • Plant anemones in spring or autumn
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In what soil should column cypresses be planted?

Clayey soils with a pH value between 5 and 6 that are not too heavy are ideal for the evergreen Mediterranean plant. Well-drained soils rich in humus are very suitable, whereas both sandy and loamy soils with compost or Humus soil should be improved. Make sure that the substrate is neither too wet nor too dry: the wood does not tolerate either of these very well.

When is the best time to plant column cypress?

Column cypresses should be planted in spring, as soon as the soil is frost-free and no more frosty nights are to be expected. Then the plant has a good chance, in time

to develop strong roots by winter.

At what distance should column cypresses be planted?

For a hedge planting place the individual trees at a distance of between 80 and 100 centimeters.

How are column cypresses best planted?

When planting the column cypresses, it is best to do the following:

  • Dig a planting hole
  • which is about twice as deep and twice as wide as the root ball.
  • Loosen the bottom of the planting hole with a hoe.
  • Then the roots can penetrate the soil more easily.
  • An additional drainage layer is recommended for heavy and wet soils.
  • Mix the excavated material with compost and horn shavings
  • and fill the substrate back into the planting hole.
  • Dig in a support post right away
  • and connect the trunk and the pile with an elastic material (e.g. B. a coconut or bast rope).
  • Water the freshly planted column cypress
  • and cover the root area with bark mulch.

Can column cypresses also be grown in a tub?

The column cypress can also be cultivated in a tub up to a height of about one meter, but should be planted afterwards.

Can you reproduce columnar cypresses yourself?

Column cypresses can be cut by cuttings or by sowing (Collect cones!) Multiply.


The very frost-hardy are much more robust and better suited for a Central European climate Columns (Taxus fastigiata) or the columnar tree of life (Thuja), which the columnar cypress looks very much on the outside are similar. The same applies to the Leyland cypress, also known as the giant cypress.