Recognize and fight pests

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Prevent pests

Weakened lettuce in particular is a target for Diseases and pests. You should therefore take care of your lettuce as follows to prevent infestation:

  • provide adequate nutrients by digging the soil before the sowing enrich with compost
  • ensure adequate ventilation
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • water regularly
  • sunny location

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  • Recognize and control pests on the golden fruit palm
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You can also protect your lettuce from pests as follows:

  • Put up snail fences or ditches
  • Establish beneficial insects by laying out beneficial insect strips
  • Resistant sorts choose such as B. Dynamite

Getting rid of snails

The most effective remedy for snails is to collect them. In the event of severe snail infestation, the subsequent erection of snail fences is advisable.
Some counselors recommend reaching for pesticides Slug pellets.(€ 7.43 at Amazon *) However, this is not only very brutal to the snails, but also extremely harmful to pets. Therefore, this chemical pest killer is strongly discouraged if you have pets or small children.

Recognize and fight aphids

The faster you recognize an aphid infestation, the better the pests can be combated. Aphids can have very different colors: from black to green to reddish colored insects belong to the family of aphids. But an infestation can not only be recognized in the little beasts. It also comes to:

  • Deformities on the leaves
  • Drop formation
  • Flocks of ants
  • Soot thaw

Aphids can often be combated effectively with simple home remedies. Effective is z. B .:

  • Nettle stock
  • Milk-water-rapeseed oil mixture (2 liters of water for 500ml milk and three tablespoons of rapeseed oil)
  • Soft soap solution (possibly with a tablespoon of alcohol)
  • Water with neem oil

Spray the infested lettuce daily in the evening (!) With the appropriate agent for several days until no more pests can be seen. Make sure that your lettuces are not exposed to direct sunlight immediately after treatment, as this may react with the pest agent and burn the leaves.

Keep your distance from chemistry!

Even if the chemical manufacturers persistently claim that their chemicals are not harmful to health, numerous independent (!) Studies continuously prove the opposite. It is therefore imperative that you keep away from chemical pesticides. After all, you want to eat your salad without hesitation!

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