This is the best way to proceed

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The ideal location

Think carefully about that before planting Location after the balloon flower, because it doesn't like it at all when it has to be replanted. This is partly due to their deep tap roots. The balloon flower likes it sunny to partially shaded, protected from cold wind and heavy rain. Give it enough space, because over the years it will grow a little in width.

also read

  • How to care for balloon flowers - The best tips and tricks
  • Can you propagate balloon flowers yourself?
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The best soil

In contrast to many other garden plants, the soil for the balloon flower can be a bit chalky, but it should definitely contain plenty of nutrients. Give some compost or when planting Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) into the planting hole to enrich the soil. If the soil is not permeable, waterlogging can easily occur. The balloon flower doesn't get that at all. In this case, loosen the soil with a little sand.

Prepare the planting

The distance between the individual plants should be about 30 cm, with larger specimens a little more. Also, these should not necessarily be planted on the front border, they are ideal for the garden background. Dig the planting hole deep enough, the balloon flower will form quite deep tap roots and put organic fertilizer in the hole before planting the plant.

The best time to plant

The best planting time for the hardy balloon flower is spring, at least when planting in the open air. Container and balcony plants can be planted almost at any time. However, if possible, avoid planting or repotting during the Heyday. After planting, the balloon flower must be watered well.

The most important planting tips for balloon flowers:

  • sunny to partially shaded location
  • permeable soil
  • Dig a deep planting hole
  • Put fertilizer or compost in the planting hole
  • Make sure to water the balloon flower well


Plant blue balloon flowers in a sunny spot to keep the color, while white ones in the Penumbra.

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