How long does an apricot tree take to bear fruit?

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First there is growth

The apricot tree enters the garden as a sapling that is planted in it. Its first job is to form roots. Only when the apricot tree conquers the soil with its root system can it be supplied with water and nutrients in the future.

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As soon as the supply line is in place, the tree sprouts. Heaven also wants to be conquered. Building a stable framework is the next task in his young life. The tree is far from thinking about reproduction, which is why it does not produce any fruit yet.

Flowers only after a few years

The experts speak of four years here. Even if the tree should flower beforehand, it is better to remove the attached fruits. So he can save his strength for growth. In doing so, you voluntarily forego the first modest harvest. As a reward, the coming harvests will be better.

The four fruitless years are a value that does not always have to come true. The living conditions of the tree also determine when it will bloom for the first time. That could well be many years later.

The smaller the tree comes into the garden, the later it will bear. And mostly he comes up short because he is starting a certain size respectively. Age is reluctant to transplant. If you even pull your tree from a core yourself, you have to be patient the longest.

Tree still does not carry

If the tree also after four years not wearing, should be looked for possible reasons. Then it is possibly not just a question of how long it will take, but what is wrong and what helps:

  • it is being cut too much
  • it becomes too much fertilized
  • its flower has frozen to death
  • it is not pollinated

Possible actions

Review and correct any caretaking errors so that the tree will bloom. The tree is hardy, not its flowers. Shade the apricot tree
in spring to delay its flowering period. Wrap its branches with fleece as soon as temperatures around freezing point are announced.


When planting a young apricot tree, make sure that it gets a sheltered, sunny place. With this you contribute a large part to a rich harvest.