Hornets: what do they eat? Are you nocturnal? 17 common questions

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table of contents

  • hornet
  • Appearance & lifestyle
  • nest
  • behavior
  • food
  • Sting

Not only beautiful flowers can be admired in the garden and on the balcony in summer. Even small flying visitors can occasionally be seen and sometimes come very close to us. When it comes to hornets, there is seldom pure enthusiasm. After all, these insects are widely known to be dangerous and their stings are more than feared. But is this fear really justified? The answers to the following questions reveal all sorts of surprising things about the insect colony.


The hornet is an insect from the family of the wasps that is native to this country. Strictly speaking, it is the largest folding wasp species living in Central Europe. This species of insect lives as a people whose center is the queen. There are also male drones, young queens and of course female workers. The scientific name of the hornet is Vespa crabro.

Appearance & lifestyle

How big does a hornet get?

A hornet is larger than a bee and larger than the common wasp. Exactly how big it is depends on what kind of hornet it is:

  • the queen is largest: about 23 to 36 mm long
  • this is followed by drones measuring 21 to 28 mm
  • the smallest are the workers: 18 to 25 mm
Hornet queen, Vespa crabro
Hornet queen, Vespa crabro

What optical features can it be recognized by?

The hornet is visually reminiscent of a giant wasp. The characteristic color is the most noticeable feature, which is how it can be easily distinguished from bees.

  • The abdomen is streaked with black and yellow
  • Bees are more of a brown-black color
  • Hornets also have noticeably curved antennae

There are also numerous but subtle differences in body structure. These differences can only be made out on closer inspection and are rather difficult for laypeople to recognize.

How big is a hornet people?

The size of a hornet colony varies in number. Usually it is usually somewhere between 400 and 700 insects. However, colonies with far greater numbers of animals have also been sighted.

When can we see them in the wild?

The mated young queen wakes up from her deep sleep in early May and leaves her winter quarters in search of a suitable place to build a nest. It is unlikely that a single hornet will stand out. But soon after building a nest, it lays its eggs and the population is steadily increasing. First the workers hatch, in July the drones and the young queens follow.

  • from mid-August to mid-September the number is at its peak
  • from November no more hornet flies around

Do these insects have natural enemies?

Yes, their natural enemies can be found among many species of birds.


Where do they build their nest?

The queen looks for a suitable place to build a nest in the spring. Natural tree hollows are ideal, but rarely found in human settlement areas. Alternative places are in demand:

  • Dandruff
  • Wooden cladding on House
  • Roof cladding
  • Roller shutter boxes
  • Bird feeder

The queen is content with any suitable niche and can become a significant disruptive factor with her people if the distance to the human movement is small.

Hornets in the roller shutter box

How big is a hornet's nest and what is it made of?

The hornet's nest is built from top to bottom by adding more and more floors. A finished hornet nest can easily be 60 cm high and about 30 cm in diameter. The available space also plays an important role in its actual size. Rotten tree material is used for the construction, which the insects chew through beforehand. The saliva acts as an adhesive that will later hold the building material together.

What about a hornet's nest near the house?

Even then, an unauthorized Removed or destroying the nest is a violation of the law. That under natural reserve Standing insect colonies may only be removed from a location classified as critical with official approval.

  • as a rule, the nest and the people are relocated
  • Pest control companies or beekeepers are the right people to talk to
  • The fire brigade is not responsible on private property

Depending on how the nest is located, protection is often sufficient, for example with fly screens. In autumn the hustle and bustle comes to an end anyway, because a hornet's nest only serves as a home for one season. Local nature conservation organizations are sure to help if you have any questions about annoying hornet nests.


Where are the people in winter?

Most of the people die at the end of autumn. Workers have a short lifespan of 3-4 weeks anyway. The drones die after they have previously fulfilled their mating function. The "old" queen has also had its day. The only specimens that survive are the young queens. They each look for a suitable hibernation hiding place for themselves, such as a rotten tree trunk, where they rest over the winter. They were mated beforehand so that they could lay eggs the following year and thus found their own hornet state.

Are hornets nocturnal?

Hornets are not exclusively nocturnal. They hunt insects during the day, but can also be spotted hunting insects when it gets dark.

Are hornets aggressive?

No, they do not attack just because a suitable target presents itself. They are basically peaceful insects that only use their sting when they feel threatened.

  • avoid violent movements in their vicinity
  • Do not expose the nesting site to vibrations
  • Do not adjust the flight path
  • do not breathe or puff
  • Be careful when mowing the lawn near the nest
  • do not poke at the nest, etc.

By the way, the male drone has no sting. He just simulates the sting with his reproductive organ. Which can be quite daunting and allows him to escape.

Hornet, Vespa crabro

Why do they also fly into rooms?

Like many other insect species, hornets are attracted to light sources. If the windows are open, one or the other specimen can get lost in rooms inhabited by people. If the light is then turned off and the window opened wide, they usually fly away again on their own.

Can this species of insect be killed?

The native hornet species is acutely endangered. That is why the Vespa is subject to crabro natural reserve. It is forbidden:

  • Kill hornets
  • destroy their nest.


What do these insects eat?

A hornet colony consists of hunters who catch small insects as prey for their larvae. Together they can capture up to 500 grams of it as food every day. Their larvae also eat insects that we know as pests in the garden.

  • Mosquitoes
  • To fly
  • Forest pests
  • Moth
  • Caterpillars
  • Wasps
  • and many other insects

Because they prey on all kinds of pests, hornets are also referred to as the natural police of an ecosystem. Adult animals prefer vegetable juices (carbohydrates) as food. They don't eat insects.

Do you also fly on sweet foods?

No, unlike bees and wasps, hornets are not a nuisance at the coffee table. Sweet cake or drink smells therefore seem to have no attraction for these insects.


Are hornet stings dangerous to humans?

The sting of a Vespa crabro is longer and stronger than that of a bee or wasp. Therefore, the sting is subjectively perceived as more painful. However, it does not matter which part of the body was stabbed for the intensity of the pain. However, it can happen that some people have an allergic reaction to hornet stings.
Fortunately, the saying that seven hornet stings kill a horse and three kill a person does not come true.

What are the symptoms of an allergic reaction?

A severe allergic reaction to hornet stings takes several stings to develop. It only affects people who have already been stung by a hornet. The statistical value is 2-3% of the population. The symptoms are:

  • Hives
  • Redness and swelling at the injection site
  • up to shortness of breath
Itching from insect bite

As a precaution, contact a doctor as soon as the above symptoms appear.