These varieties are evergreen

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Evergreen hydrangeas - enchanting rarities

The evergreen hydrangea varieties that do not shed their foliage even in the cold season include some tropical ones Hydrangeas and new varieties of climbing hydrangeas. The best known are:

  • Semiola, which adorns itself with bright copper-red shoots in spring.
  • Silver lining, with leaves lined with silver and large white flower umbrellas.

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The evergreen climbing hydrangeas form adherent roots similar to ivy, with which they climb several meters into the air. In contrast to many climbing plants, the roots of these evergreen hydrangeas do not penetrate the masonry. They are suitable for partially shaded or shady locations, because they need little sunlight and still form a rich flower pile.

Evergreen hydrangeas are a little more sensitive than the deciduous varieties and should only be planted outdoors in mild regions. You need this hydrangea regularly during dry spells in winter

to water, because, like many evergreen plants, it evaporates a lot of liquid over the large leaf surface on sunny winter days.

Deciduous varieties are the rule

Most hydrangeas shed their leaves in autumn, preparing for the cold season. These types include:

  • Farm hydrangeas
  • Ball hydrangeas
  • Panicle hydrangeas
  • Plate hydrangeas
  • Velvet hydrangeas
  • Oak leaf hydrangea
  • Some types of climbing hydrangea.

Some varieties such as the oak hydrangea take on an intense leaf color in autumn and are adorned with the most beautiful autumn colors before the dull winter months.

Tips & Tricks

Evergreen Climbing hydrangeas are also suitable as attractive ground cover in mild regions. However, they should only be planted where the temperature does not permanently drop below five degrees below zero.