Edible or Poisonous?

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Recognize and collect crawling Günsel

You can find the between April and June / July Abundantly flowering plant especially in Central and Northern Europe on nutrient-rich, humus-loamy, fresh to moderately moist soils. During the flowering period, the Günsel is particularly close to the inflorescence that grows like a candle recognize, while the green to brown-red leaves are flat on the ground like a rosette. Traditionally, the Creeping Gunsel is collected between May and June, using both the leaves and the stems and flowers. It is best to pick the plants whole and hang dry in a dark, warm and airy place.

also read

  • Creeping Günsel blooms in early summer
  • Creeping Günsel prefers a clear location
  • Creeping Gunsel - An old medicinal plant

Using the Creeping Gunsling in the Kitchen

The Creeping Günsel tastes very bitter and bitter, similar to chicory, and should therefore only be used very sparingly. Leaves and stems are very good for seasoning salads, stews and soups. In addition, the Günsel goes well with various potato and egg dishes (e.g. B. Potato casseroles, omelettes with vegetable fillings, etc.) and in herb sauces. The milder flowers, on the other hand, delight

eye Also on sweets and desserts, they also taste great with sweet fruits such as melons, mangos or bananas.

The creeping Günsel as a medicinal plant

The use of the creeping gunfish is also very common in traditional folk medicine, in which an infusion of Günsel flowers and leaves are used both externally and internally can. The anti-inflammatory herb was mainly used in the care of wounds, bruises, bruises and scars, but also against gastric and gastric disorders Intestinal problems, digestive problems and loss of appetite, heartburn, sore throat and throat infections and inflammation of the oral mucosa applied.


There is only a risk of confusion with other wild herbs such as meadow sage, gundermann or the little brown elk, all of which, however, are also edible.