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Suitable varieties for a raspberry hedge

When choosing the sorts decide beforehand whether you prefer summer raspberries or Autumn raspberries want to grow. Well-suited varieties for raspberry hedges are:

also read

  • Harvest raspberries from the beginning of summer until autumn
  • Do raspberries need winter protection?
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Summer raspberries

  • "Zewa 2"
  • "Glen Ample"
  • "Tulameen"
  • "Schönemann"

Autumn raspberries

  • "Autumn Bliss"
  • "Polana"

How many plants do you need for your raspberry hedge?

As a rule of thumb, two to three raspberry bushes should be planted per meter.

Create a raspberry hedge

Pin the row for that Raspberry hedge away. Make sure that the fruits get enough light. You can harvest the sweetest raspberries in sunny locations.

Loosen the soil deeply and work in ripe compost or rotted manure.

So that the raspberries do not spread all over the garden, put one Root lock on both sides of the later hedge.

Plant raspberries

The best time to plant a raspberry hedge is autumn. Then the plants have enough time to grow.

Plant the raspberries not too deep in the ground. Pay special attention to the root buds. They must not be damaged.

Maintain a planting distance of 40 to 50 centimeters. Shorten the rods to about 40 centimeters in length so that they get better rooted.

Attach scaffolding

Raspberries need one Support frameso that the long rods do not lie on the ground. After planting, stretch long wires at different heights along the rows. Tie the shoots to it as soon as they are long enough.

Your raspberry hedge will thrive particularly well if you cover the ground with a layer of mulch after planting.

Scatter peat, bark mulch, healthy leaves or lawn cuttings under the raspberry bushes.

Tips & Tricks

Never plant a raspberry hedge too close to the fence to the neighbor. Even if you have a Root lock have created, it cannot be entirely avoided that the foothills reach the neighboring garden. Keep enough distance to maintain the peace of your neighbors.