How to convert it step by step

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Basis: the solid foundation

Do you want that Garden shed(€ 39.99 at Amazon *) use all year round, a simple slab foundation does not provide sufficient insulation. Please consider: For the necessary concrete foundation you need a building permit from the responsible authority.

also read

  • Great tips on how to build a garden shed with a pent roof yourself
  • Build a garden house yourself - the great alternative to ready-made kits
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Which garden house is suitable?

The arbor should be stable enough and have a good wall thickness. Lots of light comes into the house through generous windows and the view can wander through the garden undisturbed. This ensures relaxed comfort.

Running water, electricity and heating

If you are in your garden shed regularly and would like to cook there, you can hardly do without the supply of water and electricity. If the arbor is close to the house, power cables and water pipes can be laid underground to the arbor from the existing connections. If the house is in an allotment garden, you are dependent on the connections available there, sometimes the technical or sanitary expansion is unfortunately not possible there.

So that you don't freeze in winter, you should also plan for suitable heating. Consult a chimney sweep because not all types of heating are legal in the garden shed.

The interior work

Especially if you want to use the arbor in the cold season, is one insulation

  • of the walls
  • of the roof
  • the windows and doors


Once all the cables have been laid, the sanitary facilities and the mini kitchen installed, it can be connected to the Interior work walk. Since garden houses are usually not very large, lightly painted walls convey an open feeling of living. If you glaze the wood in the interior in a wood tone, the natural ambience is underlined.

Adjust the furniture to the planned use. A small bar and a long dining table are perfect and should often be celebrated in the additional space gained. Cozy armchairs and cozy decorative elements exude a feeling of comfort and turn the garden house into a second living room.


In times of rising rental prices, more and more people are thinking about equipping the arbor with sanitary facilities and moving it completely into the garden house. As appealing as this idea may be, you will need a building permit almost everywhere for this extensive expansion. You must also submit an application for a change of use in any case.