That's how she gets through the cold

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Bloom endangered by frost

Farmers' hydrangeas are one of the hydrangea species that bloom on last year's wood and develop the flower buds there for the following year in the previous late summer. At the same time, this means that these flower buds endangered by winter frosts and must therefore be protected - even if the Farm hydrangea itself is actually hardy is. Otherwise the flowering will fail in the following year.

Effective winter protection for farm hydrangeas

For sensible winter protection, carefully cover the plants in winter with bark mulch or leaves, whereby a thick and dry bed of leaves offers the best protection. For this you issue a rack Wire mesh(€ 17.32 at Amazon *) around the plant and pour plenty of leaves into it, which can also be mixed with straw. You can also cover farm hydrangeas with bast mats. Here, too, leaves poured in between offer additional protection from the cold.

Tips & Tricks

Farmer's hydrangeas cultivated in tubs should not overwinter outdoors, as the root ball freezes through too quickly. A frost-free, but cool and light winter storage is more sensible.

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