Watering, fertilizing, repotting and more

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How do you pour cob thread properly?

  • Water regularly
  • don't keep too moist
  • Use lime-free water at room temperature
  • Spray leaves occasionally

Butt thread copes better with drought than with too much moisture. Always allow the substrate to dry on top before you water again. You must absolutely avoid waterlogging.

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Since the cob thread appreciates high humidity, spray the leaves regularly with lukewarm water. The humidity should not fall below 60 percent.

How is the cob thread properly fertilized?

Cob thread is not very demanding and does not need a lot of nutrients. It is sufficient if you provide him with a little liquid fertilizer for green plants once a month from March to October. After repotting, you must not do it for the first year fertilize.

When do you repot a cob thread?

The cob thread needs a larger pot if the roots grow out of the drainage hole at the bottom. Since it grows slowly, it is usually sufficient to repot it every two to three years. The best time to repot is early spring.

Are you allowed to cut cob thread?

The ornamental plant is well tolerated by pruning. You can cut short shoots that are too long at any time. Cut directly above one eye. The piston thread branches at the interfaces and becomes more compact overall.

Which diseases and pests can occur?

Diseases such as root rot is caused by waterlogging.

Watch out for pests like whiteflies, Spider mites and thrips. The pest infestation can usually be kept in check by spraying the leaves.

How is cob thread properly overwintered?

In principle, you can maintain the cob thread all year round in the same location. However, it is cheaper if you place it a little cooler in winter at 16 to 18 degrees.

Pour the cob thread very sparingly, but in no case do not let it dry out completely.


Piston thread is very suitable for office and work rooms. The large leaves filter dust, increase the humidity in the room and thus ensure a better indoor climate.