So, of course, keep them away

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Herbs against mosquitoes

Many herbs contain highly fragrant essential oils that both stimulate your appetite and ensure that Mosquitoes run away to take. Would you like mosquitoes Avoid in the garden, you should mainly rely on these varieties:

  • basil
  • Catnip
  • Lemon balm
  • garlic

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Somebody said again that mosquitoes couldn't be used against mosquitoes! The basil is arguably the best proof to the contrary. You don't necessarily have to plant the herb in the bed. Basil can also be grown in pots. This is particularly useful for a barbecue on the terrace, because every guest can pluck a few leaves to refine their salad.


Both gardeners and cats are happy - just not the mosquitoes. In contrast to the insects, cats love the smell and taste of the Catnip. The gardener, on the other hand, enjoys the beautiful lilac-colored bloom that is reminiscent of lavender.

Lemon balm

With the lemony scent of the herb, a breeze from the warm south blows onto the terrace. Lemon balm not only has an excellent taste, it is not at all tasty for uninvited guests.


It is questionable whether protection against vampires is necessary. But against other bloodsuckers such as mosquitoes, it is absolutely necessary in summer. Here, too, the garlic can provide a remedy with its smell.

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