How many fish are there in the pond per 1,000 liters? Goldfish & Co

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Water is always a popular design element for gardens both large and small. As soon as a pond has been dug and filled, suitable plants follow around it. A green wet biotope has been created. But that's not all: Many pond owners want to take another step and introduce fish. But how many little fish are allowed to inhabit the wet realm? After all, space is limited.

A pile of water is not enough

Before starting to calculate the optimal amount of fish, it must be mentioned that pure water alone is not a basis. The equipment of the provided water world must also be right. This includes a certain size of the pond, sufficient depth, a tailor-made water flora and, if necessary, technical aids for cleaning and oxygen saturation of the water. Only a pond prepared in this way can be used for successful fish keeping.

Is every pond size suitable for fish?

If you want to keep fish in your own pond, of course you do it first for your own pleasure. Watching them, following their nimble movements is exciting and relaxing at the same time. But the little swimmers should also have a good time. Since a pond, in contrast to an aquarium, is an open system, many influences play a role in the biological balance.

  • Theoretically, fish keeping is possible in every garden pond
  • However, water quantities of 2000 liters or more are ideal
  • the biological equilibrium suffers if the amount of water is lower
The conditions for keeping fish are not optimal in every pond. Technical aids and hard work can help to improve the quality of life for all pond inhabitants, whether animals or plants. With all the liveliness that reigns around and in the pond, it must not be overlooked that it is an "artificially" created world in a very small space.

The role of depth

goldfishIt is not just the size of the pond that is important for keeping fish. The depth is also important. The deeper the pond, the better it is for the fish that live in it. Some species even depend on a certain basic depth for their appropriate habitat. The depth also prevents the water from freezing to the bottom in winter.
  • at a depth of more than 80 cm, only the surface of the pond freezes
  • Fish can hibernate in the mud on the pond floor
If the pond is only shallow, fish should be avoided. Especially in summer, the water heats up quickly and the oxygen saturation drops.
Note: If the pond freezes over completely in winter, you may need another way to overwinter your pond fish. For example, a sufficiently large aquarium.

Let new ponds develop in peace

At first, a pond is just a deep, bare hole in the ground that is filled with water. Such a "construction site" is not yet suitable for keeping fish. On the one hand, fish are noise-sensitive creatures, work that is still to be done on the pond would only stress them unnecessarily. Furthermore, most fish species need a harmonious flora right from the start. The installation of technical aids such as pond pumps or pond filters are sometimes a must.
  • first the flora must develop
  • Plants are only established in the biotope after about 12 weeks
  • they supply oxygen and offer opportunities for retreat
  • install necessary technical aids
  • only then is the pond ready for the fish

The right time is important

As soon as the pond is in biological equilibrium, the fish inhabitants are allowed to move in. Nevertheless, a little patience may still be required. Because the actual move into the new water world should take place at the appropriate time.
  • Spring is the ideal time of year
  • Winter dormancy ends at a water temperature of 12 degrees Celsius
  • There is enough time to get used to the next cold spell
  • also applies to the expansion of an existing population
  • Alternatively, early summer is also an option
  • Do not add any new fish to the pond from late summer

How much water does a fish need?

If the pond is well prepared and the optimal time has come, the only question left is: what types and quantities of fish should or should be? may it be? Which of the suitable fish species are allowed to swim up and down in the garden pond at home can be decided according to your own preferences. Among others, the following are well suited:
  • some goldfish species
  • Orfen for larger ponds, gold orfen are smaller
  • Kois, with a pond depth of min. 1.80 m
  • also: Moderlieschen, minnow, veil tails, shubunkin, etc.
Shubunkin - goldfishWith the amount, it is important to remember that every fish needs sufficient space.
There are many guideline values ​​when calculating the fish stock, which can even differ greatly from one another. The most common recommendations are:
  • 5 liters of water per centimeter of fish
  • or about 0.5 kg of fish per 1000 l
However, these two formulas fall short, as many fish are bought as young fish. They grow and quickly need more space. That should be factored in from the start.
  • Experts recommend 60 liters per centimeter of body length
  • less is sufficient for fish that remain small
  • for small redfin fishes, for example, approx. 200 liters per fish.
  • Goldfish: no more than 5 pieces per 1000 l
  • Golden orfe: water volume 500 to 1000 l per piece.
  • Shubunkin: 300 to 500 liters per fish
  • Appropriate Koi keeping starts at 3000 liters per fish
Note: In your planning, note that it is not just the amount of fish that counts. Goldfish, for example, like to reproduce in abundance. The fish population can quickly exceed the available space and the natural food supply.

Determine the number of fish

The number of fish that can still feel comfortable in a spatially limited pond depends on various factors:
  • the size of the pond
  • the final size of the fish
  • whether solitary or schooling fish are used
The possible number of fish can be calculated approximately. However, since not all conditions can be precisely foreseen, the following applies here: Better to get fewer fish than too many.

1. First determine the key data of your pond: width, length and depth.

2. Calculate the amount of water using the formula: length x width x depth in meters. This value multiplied by 1000 gives the amount in liters.

3. Alternatively, you can also read off the amount of water that has been let in.

4. About 15% of the amount of water is used for decoration, gravel, etc. claimed. About 1000 liters should be reserved for the flora. The rest of the water is available to the fish.

5. Find out about the preferences of each type of fish. Some can e.g. B. only live in a swarm. A larger number of these would have to be taken into account when planning.

6. Determine the types of fish that suit you best.

7. Check whether the selected fish species can live next to each other without harming each other.

8. Calculate the amount by dividing the amount of water available by the amount required per fish. Assume the length / size of a fully grown fish.

Note: Fish also have a significant impact on the pond ecosystem. They eat away plants, pollute the water, etc. The more fish conquer the pond, the more labor-intensive the maintenance of the water oasis becomes.

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