When and how is it done?

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However, this campaign should not be hesitated for more than four years, because especially the fine roots that are used for the Water absorption is responsible, otherwise runs the risk of being destroyed, so that permanent damage to the tree is not completely are to be excluded.

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Autumn and spring are best for transplanting, although the root ball must be cut off generously. As a rough guide, the size of the Treetop is identical to that of the root ball. In a two to three year old tree, the soil must therefore be dug up to a radius of at least 80 to 120 cm around the trunk. It must be ensured that the deeper roots underneath the ball are as sharp as possible spade separated and not simply ripped out of the ground.

Prepare the new location well

In order to keep the "relocation stress" of the tree as low as possible, a well that is not too tight is created excavated with humus and compost and the respective requirements of the type of fruit, is filled. Depending on the existing soil conditions, clay, sand, peat and a little lime can be added. The planting hole should be at least twice as large as the root system of your tree. While the earth is being filled up around the tree, gently move it back and forth so that the new soil can be evenly distributed around the roots. After the earth has been treaded lightly, it is better to put a watering edge around the entire trunk and then water the tree vigorously.

The tree care afterwards

Particular stability with upright growth can be achieved if you set a support post next to the tree that extends to just below the treetop. At this point it is connected with a coconut cord that is attached to the distance between the rod and the trunk, similar to a figure eight. In the period that followed, the regular additions of water are particularly important, as they also ensure that root runners develop again. In autumn it is better not to use any additional mineral fertilization of trees at all, as the roots, in particular, which are still young, are extremely sensitive to salt. With the beginning of the vegetation next spring, the first fertilizers can be applied. Currently, it is now sufficient if you fill the soil with a mixture of bark mulch and something Wood chippings(€ 21.95 at Amazon *) cover. This promotes soil fertility, counteracts the drying out of the earth and suppresses weed regrowth.