Causes and efficient measures

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  1. The tree is too young
  2. Bad site conditions
  3. Lack of care

Young trees take a little longer

Anyone who worries about their own Mirabelle is not blooming, should know that the current information on flowering time is based on "adult" trees. Mirabelle plums up to five years of age usually only have a few flowers and hardly any or no fruit. The knowledge of the normal flowering time only serves as a guideline for the time of the tree pruning. Some hobby gardeners even have the experience that their fruit tree can take up to ten years with the rewarding flowering period. So if your mirabelle tree is still relatively young, there is hope. The time may just not be right.

also read

  • Why is my butterfly lilac not blooming? - causes and solutions
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Site conditions not ideal

On the other hand, is it not a very young tree or has the Mirabelle is already in bloom with splendid white umbels behind them, the location may prevent them from continuing to bloom in full. On the one hand, mirabelle plums have a harder time in cloudy, rather cool and rainy regions. In addition, there are changes on site: Does the tree still get enough sun? Is the soil structure consistent? Are possible enemies spreading like voles, which are doing good at the roots? Check that the location is still as good as it was when it was planted. Otherwise, transplant the tree.

Observe appropriate care

Mirabelle plums are generally considered to be uncomplicated and easy to care for, as long as they get enough sunlight. However, that does not mean that you should leave the fruit trees entirely to their own devices. Support the plant with a regular pruning. In young trees under five years of age, this serves to form a stable basic structure. Later, conservation and rejuvenation prunings help to thin out the rapidly growing crown in such a way that all branches, shoots and fruits receive sufficient light and air. If you discover water sprouts, remove them. Because these are steep upward shoots that cost the mirabelle tree unnecessarily strength, which it may then lack during flowering.

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