When is the flowering time?

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The main blooming season of the snow rose

The flowering time of the Christmas roses begins for some varieties as early as December. It extends into February. Most of the Christmas rose varieties do not have their main flowering period until February.

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If the weather is atypically warm, it can even happen that the blossoms of the Christmas rose open in autumn.

The flowers are quite long-lived, so you can enjoy the pretty flowers in the garden for a long time.

Plant the snow rose in good time

It is best to plant Christmas roses in autumn. Then the hardy ornamental perennials often bloom in the coming winter. You can also use the Christmas rose still plant. It then has longer time to grow long roots.

After transplanting, the snow rose will not bloom

If you have the Christmas rose in the garden transplant, the flowering stops completely in the first year, sometimes even in the next two years. You should therefore not move the plants if possible.

In order for the Christmas rose to bloom in winter, you need a good one Location care for. He should

  • Shady
  • Not too damp
  • Lime and
  • Be clayey

If the conditions are not correct, only leaves and are formed no flowers.

Tips & Tricks

Around Christmas time the Christmas rose often in the pot offered. After the flowering period, you can use the snow rose in the garden plants. It often continues to grow there for many years.