When and how do you do it?

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Pruning the lime tree in spring

The best time for a thorough topiary is early spring, just before the sapling put back in the open will. However, no blossoms should be visible yet. All shoots that have shot light green over the winter are completely removed, as well as dried up and meager twigs. You can then give the crown an appealing shape by shortening all of the shoots. It also removes any branches that do not fit into the shape you want.

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Important: thin out the crown

Be at the densely growing lime Light and air in the crown quickly scarce. In particular, the lower and inner shoots on the trunk threaten to die off, as not enough light can get into the inside of the crown. Therefore, you should all grow into the interior of the crown or too dense or Mercilessly remove branches that are growing too lively. Incidentally, thinning the crown also makes it more difficult for pests to establish themselves in your lime tree unnoticed.

Pay attention to hygiene

When cutting fruit trees, hygiene is the top priority, because not cleaned cutting tools or cutting wounds that are too large can result Fungi, bacteria and viruses are a welcome target, with soiled scissors and knives directing the pathogen into the wound bring in. In addition, you should not leave any stumps, but always open them Astring cut. Always remove the branch or twig directly where it originates - i.e. directly on the trunk or on a strong secondary branch. Larger wounds can with Tree sap be sealed so that on the one hand they do not bleed and on the other hand parasites and pathogens do not provide a breeding ground.

Tips & Tricks

Young lime trees in particular can be brought up into the desired shape with the help of so-called de-sharpening. To do this, pinch the new shoots as soon as they have reached the desired length. This has the advantage that the tree does not have to put unnecessary strength into the growth of an undesired shoot.


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