This is how you propagate your tree

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Choose a suitable mother plant

Before you get down to the Propagation of your lemon tree first of all you should choose a suitable tree. In principle, you can take cuttings from every lemon, but then you will not always enjoy them. Like any breeder, you should also select for good and bad traits, i. H. a lemon tree with bad properties - no or few flowers and fruits, rather poor growth - is rather not suitable for producing cuttings. As a rule, the cutting will have the same characteristics as the mother plant, after all, both plants are genetically identical.

also read

  • Fun for young and old hobby gardeners: grow lemon trees yourself
  • Lemon tree only grows quickly in good conditions
  • The lemon tree loves the sun

Choosing the cutting

The best time to harvest cuttings is in the spring anyway the annual topiary becomes due. With this you kill two birds with one stone, so to speak, because you definitely have to prune the lemon tree. In addition, spring and the associated beginning of the growing season is best for the propagation of cuttings - after all, the plants are now ready to grow and thrive a. The cultivation of the little tree should therefore be quite straightforward. And this is how perfect lemon tree cuttings have to look like:

  • It is a semi-mature (i.e. H. semi-lignified) shoot from the previous year.
  • about 10 to 15 inches long
  • with several buds and one or two small leaves

Cut the desired cuttings at a slight angle - one sloping The interface makes it easier for the plant to absorb water later - and make sure that no Remnants or stumps on the mother plant remains. Dip the cutting edge of the cutting into Rooting powder and now simply plant it in a small pot Potting soil. It is best to place the pot on the windowsill in a light and protected (no draft!) Place. You can also put a transparent plastic bag over it, this ensures high humidity and thus better rooting.

Tips & Tricks

You'd better not have a lemon tree this young put outside, because he is still very sensitive and needs a lot of loving care.