How to properly care for them

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The ideal location

the Gerberas likes it light, airy and warm. Approx. 20 ° C. The morning and / or evening sun is good for her, but not so much the blazing midday sun. It also does not particularly tolerate drafts or dry heat. A place above the heater on the windowsill, where there is daily ventilation, is therefore not necessarily suitable for the gerbera.

also read

  • Plant gerberas in the garden or in pots
  • Gerbera withered in a pot - what can be done about it?
  • Properly care for gerberas in the garden and on the windowsill

In summer the gerbera likes to stand on the terrace or balcony, where it is warm and sheltered from the wind. But only leave the plant outside overnight if the temperatures are not below approx. 15 ° C drop.

Plant and repot

The gerbera also has some demands on the soil. It should be well drained, loose and rather sandy. It is best to mix some sand into commercially available flower pots. Frequent repotting is not good for you, however. But it is necessary if your gerbera is no longer growing properly or if its roots start to grow out of the pot and the plant obviously no longer has enough space.

Water and fertilize properly

The gerbera absolutely needs sufficient moisture, both in the soil and in the air. In summer, add a little liquid fertilizer to the irrigation water on a regular basis. Gerberas don't like waterlogging either. Therefore, it makes sense to water the plant regularly and to ensure that excess water is drained well.

Propagate the gerberas

The easiest way to propagate a gerbera is to split the root ball. If the plant becomes too big, its flowering power often diminishes. Then the ideal time to divide and rejuvenate has come. Alternatively, propagation is also through sowing possible.

The gerbera in winter

The gerbera is not not hardy, so it must not spend the winter on the terrace or balcony. It is better to overwinter the plant at around 10 ° C to 15 ° C in a light and airy place. This hibernation is also good for a gerbera that otherwise stands in a warm living room. During this time the plant can gather strength for the next flowering.

The essentials in brief:

  • Location: warm, light and airy
  • Substrate: loose, well-drained, slightly moist, ideal: flower pots mixed with sand
  • Winter rest recommended, at approx. 12 ° C
  • Avoid drafts at all costs
  • ensure sufficient humidity
  • may stand outside in summer (bright, sheltered from the wind, not in the blazing midday sun)


Do not repot your gerbera too often, only when it is too big for your pot.

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