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The wild form of celery comes from the Mediterranean region, where it thrives on moist to swampy soils and salty subsoils. In the garden, celeriac enjoys a heavy and humus-rich soil, while celeriac grows in a sandy and humus-rich soil. The pH value is ideally between 6.5 and 7.5. The varieties are among the strong eaters and have a high need for nitrogen. The herb requires phosphorus, potash and magnesium in medium concentrations.

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In order to offer the Mediterranean plant an optimal start to the growing season, you should prepare the soil well. Work before planting or a direct sowing Put compost in the bed and sprinkle it Horn shavings(€ 32.93 at Amazon *) to meet the need for nitrogen. Alternatively, a commercially available one is suitable Vegetable fertilizer.(€ 14.99 at Amazon *)


Celery grows between May and September. In mild regions, the harvest extends into October. During this time, the herb attaches great importance to an optimal nitrogen supply. In order for celeriac to develop magnificent tubers, a supply of potash salts is necessary. You can either use normal table salt or provide the plants with potash fertilizers:

  • salt: in July sprinkle five to ten grams of sea salt per square meter or occasionally water with salt water
  • Potash: apply a fertilizer containing potash or pure wood ash twice
  • nitrogen: pour stinging nettle manure every ten to 14 days at a ratio of 1:10


Avoid drought and lack of nutrients, as this will allow the plant to start developing flowers prematurely. It does not form a bulb, but shoots up. Mulching The bed with fern leaves or comfrey.


If you want to do without spring fertilization, you can spread compost on the ground in autumn. Horse or chicken manure is also suitable for improving the soil. This gives the microorganisms sufficient time to release the nutrients. If you dig up the soil after winter, you will get a fine crumbly structure.