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Onion cultivation and care

Onion cultivation is widespread and is also often practiced in the home garden. On the one hand, the cultivation of the different types of onions is like

  • Kitchen onions,
  • Shallots,
  • Spring onions and
  • Vegetable onions

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  • When is the best time to harvest onions?
  • Often associated with tears - peel the onions
  • The correct planting distance for onions

a simple matter that even beginners can quickly get to grips with.
Onions are generally undemanding and thrive on any good Garden soil. However, care must be taken that the bulb plants get enough sun and water.

The time of maturity

An onion is ready to be harvested when its green dies. For the summer onion, this is the month of August. The onions are now preparing for the coming winter and storing all the nutrients in the onion. The onion foliage inevitably reaches less and less food, it turns yellow. After a few days, the leaves will have completely died and fall over. Now is the time to mature.

Important measures before maturity

Before the time of ripening occurs, it must be ensured that no inflorescences form. Appropriate approaches are cut out immediately. If the flower is allowed to develop, the bulb is lost for domestic storage. However, if you want to sow onions from your own seeds, you will be happy about a blossom and dry the ripe seeds.

So that the foliage dies faster, the onions can with the Digging fork can be raised slightly. The roots then no longer have a hold in the ground and also no longer draw water. The ripe onion dries faster and can be removed from the bed.

The trampling of the leaves

The custom of kicking the onion foliage when it is still in the sap is still widespread. By kicking it, the onion should ripen more quickly.
However, scientific studies have shown the opposite. Tramping around the foliage is an intervention in the final stage of the onion's ripening process. On the one hand, it is not yet fully ripe, on the other hand, valuable nutrients are prevented from migrating from the leafy green to the onion.
The onion gets into a state of emergency ripeness by trampling down the leaves. As a result, the shelf life suffers.

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