This way the fruit will keep longer

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The fact that the kiwi is a climacteric fruit makes it possible for us to use the fruit all year round to be able to enjoy. Namely, they are in the Growing countries harvested immature and mature afterwhile they are being transported and then stored.

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  • How can kiwifruit ripen?
  • Ripe kiwi fruit for your dog
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Store purchased kiwifruit

When buying kiwis, pay attention to their degree of ripeness. If you buy the fruit in advance, it can be as hard as potatoes. The hard fruits can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks without any problems and placed in the warm next to the other fruit for a few days before consumption. If you want to use the kiwifruit immediately after buying it, choose the fruits that are already a little softer to the touch.

Store kiwifruit from your own harvest

In the meantime they have Kiwi plants also found its way into domestic gardens. The exotic climbing fruit delivers in this country at the location-appropriate Variety choice

also good Income. In the temperate climates, the kiwis are between Late October and early Novemberharvested immature, possibly after the first light frost. Fruits harvested too early remain acidic.

After harvest the kiwis are stored in a cool place for a few weeks until they are ready to be eaten, temperatures of 10 to 15 ° C, e.g. B. in the basement. Single-layer storage in boxes is beneficial for shelf life. The fruits intended for early consumption are brought to a warm place a few days in advance, where they become soft and develop their full aroma.

Tips & Tricks

Most of the kiwis come to Germany from Italy, New Zealand or Chile. In the southern hemisphere they are harvested from April to June, in southern Europe from October.

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