Ultrasound against mole: the disadvantages
Moles have very fine hearing - a compensation for the extremely poor sense of sight. Therefore, they hear frequencies that are inaudible to us, such as ultrasound. In practice, however, ultrasound devices have not proven to be particularly effective. In many experience reports you can read that the mole is still up to mischief. In addition, ultrasound is audible not only to moles, but also to the beneficial bats, as well as to pets such as cats and dogs. Since the devices often have a very low frequency range, even sensitive people can hear the beeping.
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Still using ultrasound against moles?
If you still want to try to use ultrasound machines against a mole, there are a few things to keep in mind:
- Put the devices in the corridors, not in the hills, so as not to obstruct the escape route for the moles.
- Buy devices that vary in frequency to prevent habituation.
- Place at least three, preferably more, devices.
- Do not place the ultrasound devices near dog kennels, house walls, playground equipment, terraces or other places to stay.
- Combine the ultrasound devices with other methods such as smells (Buttermilk, garlic and other).
- Wait at least three weeks before evaluating the application as failed and canceling it. The mole doesn't give up their home anytime soon.
The benefits of a mole
The better alternative: the wind turbine
Instead of torturing the mole with ultrasound, you can use an equally effective but significantly cheaper method: the wind turbine. Like you a You can find out how to build a wind turbine against moles yourself here.